Is Studying Chemistry Really Worth It?

Jordan Siberry
4 min readMar 28, 2023


Chemistry is usually not among the students’ favorite subjects. While there are several reasons they pretty much hate studying chemistry, not knowing why it’s so important and how to study it properly are two of the main ones.

If you’re not quite sure why studying chemistry is worth it or how you could potentially benefit from it, I’ve got you covered. Below I explain how chemistry works and what the three main reasons to study chemistry are. Finally, I’ll address the issue of whether majoring in chemistry is actually worth it.

What Is Chemistry All About?

Chemistry mainly focuses on the composition, structure, and properties of substances, including elements and compounds. From the basic aspects of substances to more advanced transformations they undergo, chemistry is the science that provides all the answers we need.

Along with understanding how the substances work and react with each other, chemistry is essential for creating new materials and developing unique approaches and techniques used in many different industries.

Besides, chemistry comprises several branches, each dealing with specific aspects of chemical transformations and types of chemical compounds. The main branches of chemistry are:

  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Industrial Chemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Nuclear Chemistry
  • Environmental Chemistry

As a matter of fact, many branches of chemistry also incorporate the aspects of other sciences, including but not limited to mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, and environmental sciences. This explains why chemistry is fundamental to the development and growth of our planet as a whole.

3 Reasons to Study Chemistry

The best way to determine whether studying chemistry is worth it for you is to understand how the knowledge of chemistry could potentially benefit you.

The main reason to study chemistry is that it lets you understand how the world around you works. Besides, majoring in chemistry also enables you to choose from a range of in-demand careers. Last but not least, having a degree in chemistry grants you access to some of the best-paying jobs available worldwide.

Here are three reasons to study chemistry.

#1. You Learn More About How the World Around You Works

Believe it or not, chemistry is involved in our daily lives. No matter what you do or where you go, you encounter hundreds if not thousands of chemical processes each day. Besides, any substance you use is a chemical compound, meaning that you simply can’t avoid encountering chemistry.

Therefore, the main reason why you should study chemistry is to be able to understand how the world around you works. Whether you want to read product labels or you’re curious about the chemical reactions that take place during cooking, chemistry has all the answers for you.

#2. You Can Choose from a Range of In-Demand Careers

Another reason to study chemistry is that you gain access to a broad variety of in-demand careers, meaning that you can easily find a suitable job after graduating with a degree. It could be in the pharmaceutical and medical fields or in the industrial and environmental sector. Chemists are needed in many different industries, making it even easier for you to find a desirable job.

Keep in mind that as long as you have adequate knowledge and experience, you can start working before you even get a degree. It could be an entry-level position or you can also be involved in research programs. In this way, you gain experience as you study for your degree.

#3. Chemistry Is One of the Best-Paying Professions

Last but not least, chemistry is among the highest-paying professions, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Hence, majoring in chemistry or in its branches allows you to pursue a financially rewarding career.

Note that it’ll take some time for your salary to increase. However, as you gain knowledge and experience in a particular area of chemistry, you can easily find a high-paying job that satisfies your needs and expectations.

So, Is Majoring In Chemistry Worth It?

There’s no specific answer to whether majoring in chemistry is worth it or not. This is because it all depends on what your interests and capabilities are. If studying chemistry is something you’ve never been passionate about, then you should probably avoid choosing a career path in this area.

If you enjoy studying chemistry and you’re curious about performing experiments, discovering new chemical properties, and creating new materials, then majoring in chemistry is definitely worth it.

Note that you can’t really decide if chemistry is the right career path for you unless you know how it works and what to expect when working in this area. Therefore, make sure you learn more about different aspects of chemistry as well as the basic concepts and ideas before making a choice.



Jordan Siberry

Internet Marketing and The MetaVerse