Evolutions of a ChatGPT Power User

After 1000+ hours using ChatGPT, here are the biggest lessons I wish I had learned earlier.

Jordan Gibbs
6 min readMar 9, 2024

I have a complex relationship with ChatGPT. I’ve tried practically everything that it’s capable of doing, analyzed its outputs in-depth, and used the API to create numerous apps and tools. As you can imagine, my views on its capabilities have shifted dramatically over the course of the year and a half since its introduction.

I’ll be honest, not all my views of ChatGPT have improved. In fact, I’ve actually become less impressed over time with certain use cases. There have been days where I have sat back, amazed and utterly blown away by its outputs. There have been others where I have quit my session in disgust, aghast at how awful and inattentive it was.

However, I’m convinced that knowing its strengths and weaknesses is the only way to become a ChatGPT expert. And while I still don’t claim to be an expert, I believe that I’m on the right path.

Here are the five most important lessons that I learned in my 1000+ hours using ChatGPT.

Lesson 1: Information is king.

ChatGPT thrives on the information you give it. If you starve it of information, it will give a subpar output every time.

