Forget Prompt Engineering, ChatGPT Can Write Perfect Prompts for You

I enabled ChatGPT to write optimal, research-based prompts so anyone can be an expert prompt engineer.

Jordan Gibbs
7 min readJan 13, 2024

I’ve been prompting for a long time now, and frankly, I’m tired. It’s annoying to think about word choice and structure when all I care about is the output. The iteration process of writing a great prompt is arduous and time consuming, so I figured it’s time for a change.

I realized that all prompt engineering techniques are, by definition, language tasks. ChatGPT is a master of language; thus, why not make ChatGPT the prompt engineer?

Now that ChatGPT has been widely used for over a year, there are many respected prompting techniques proven to increase the quality of output. I combined some of these techniques with my own learned strategies to create a GPT that turns you into an expert.

How the ChatGPT Prompt Engineer works

To make the ultimate prompt writer, I did some prompting (go figure). At a high level, this is the process I gave to GPT to turn it into a prompt wizard:

  1. Digest the user’s prompt
  2. Ask the user questions required to gather all the required information from them to…

