I Turned ChatGPT into the Harshest Writing Critic

Here’s how it’s changing my approach to writing.

Jordan Gibbs
4 min readNov 27, 2023
An impressionist painting of a woman writing

The problem with ChatGPT Revisions

ChatGPT can be great for revising writing. However, I’ve always found that it has a huge problem: it’s too nice. ChatGPT feedback lacks the meat that truly drives change in writing.

I wanted a way for ChatGPT to take on the persona of a brutally honest writing critic to tell the hard truths when it comes to bad writing. To tackle this problem, I made a GPT (you can use it here) specifically designed for this purpose. After many dozens of rounds of tweaking, it’s finally working as I intended. Let’s dive in!

How the critic works

This critic is a “GPT,” a custom version of ChatGPT with a personalized instruction set. I instructed it to be anti-fluff, very harsh and cutting, and humorous. In order to increase the harshness factor, I also instructed it to roast the user as it gives feedback. This is perfect for capturing the hard-hitting feedback zone of brutal honesty.

I think this GPT is great at mimicking a tough-love coach, friend, or teacher. While this approach may not work for everyone, it sure works for me. Here’s a sample of the critic in action:

