How important to viewers is consistent streaming on twitch?

3 min readJun 3, 2019


Growth is challenging on twitch, typically when early streamers ask how to improve their growth, one of the first suggestions to arise is to make a schedule and stick to it. This can be challenging for those with jobs, relationships or hobbies outside of gaming and streaming to fit into their busy lives a strict schedule. I’ll be looking into the numbers about how important this is for a channel to sustain and grow viewership through followers.

First lets take a look at how consistently streaming at the same time of day effects viewership.

We can see that streamers with viewership of less than 30 typically start their stream in a 2–4 hour window. For example a user might stream at 2pm on one day and 6pm the next. Pretty clearly as you cross the boundary of 50 average viewers you will want to have your streams start within the same hour that they usually do. If you typically start at 5pm then staying within the range of 4:30pm to 5:30pm is recommended, which I can imagine is very useful to your viewers who will open their browser at the same time of day and expect their favorite streamers to be readily available to them at the same time of day.

In the next graph I’ll be looking at how growth is effected by how often you stream

The left side of the graph are users who stream every day, the right are users who stream every ten days. This is compared to growth (followers made / average viewers). There are a lot of people on the bottom of this graph who do not grow which makes finding the ‘average’ user not very useful and goes to show that consistency isn’t everything. What we do see however is that most users who have a high amount of growth are streaming more frequently. Users who stream every 10 days might never see massive growth regardless of their content, any outliers are probably channels which draw viewership from other places.

So in conclusion streamers should try stream often and keep to the same time of day if you want your channel to grow. If you’re looking for other ways to make consistent gains on your channel reach out to me at to talk to me about my early access automatic banner placement which will consistently remind your viewers to follow or subscribe and help you make streaming you main gig. Also feel free to reach out about other ideas which may increase a streamers growth, such ideas might make it into my next post.

