Jordan Beck
3 min readSep 8, 2016

Oh My Corgi!

Corgis, Corgis, Corgis! I’m sure a good number of those reading this are wondering, “What in the world is a Corgi and why does this guy love them so much?” Well first off, Corgis are the most adorable and amazing dogs in the world, according to Jordan Beck’s Book of Absolute Truths (this book is not real, sorry to disappoint everyone eager to read it). Secondly, Corgis are so much more than just a cute, fluffy face.

These dogs have an interesting history and I’m here to fill you in on this history so you can learn about these little guys. There are two different breeds of Corgi, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. The only noticeable difference between these two is that Cardigan’s have a longer tail, compared to the Pembroke’s. I will be focusing on the Pembroke Welsh Corgis. These pups originate from Pembrokeshire, Wales, and are said to be descendants of Valhunds, a Swedish cattle dog. Corgis usually average between 10 to 12 inches tall and don’t usually way more than 30 pounds. These short and stubby little guys were bred to herd cattle, and yes that’s correct, they herd cattle. Corgis are widely known for their royal history. Queen Elizabeth II was very fond of these dogs and it was said that she owned more than 30 Corgis, or Corgi-mix in her lifetime.

Now that our Corgi history lesson is out of the way I am going to give you guys 5 reasons why Corgis are amazing dogs to own and why they’re worth obsessing over.

1. Look at how adorable they are! If you do not have a picture of Corgi or a picture of a lot of Corgis then do it! Now! I’ll even wait for you… Alright now that you have this voluptuous animal in front of you, don’t you see what I am talking about? They are the cutest dog you will ever lay eyes on.

2. They’re great for a small living situation. Due to the small physique of the Corgi it would be great a fit in a small or large living area. These dogs can adapt to almost any living situation, you just have to make sure that they get plenty of exercise, which segways us to our next point.

3. Corgis are energetic, athletic and playful. Despite their stubby legs, these dogs are pretty fast and can be really good at things like obstacle courses or other dog events. Owners just have to make sure they get their DAILY exercise to prevent them from becoming restless or obese.

4. They are very intelligent. Corgis are extremely intelligent dogs, that can be very easily trained, but they do have their moments at times and can be a bit stubborn, but don’t worry, it’s just who they are. They like thinking for themselves, so don’t expect your Corgi to just serve you and treat you like a master.

5. Corgis are extremely loyal and friendly. Once you have a Corgi and you show them just how much you care for them, they are very loyal. They are also affectionate towards the family and is kind towards strangers. You can’t leave this dog alone too much because it desires to be with its owner and family. They are not naïve though. They will bark and alert others if something doesn’t seem right.

So there they are. Corgis. I hope I turned at least a couple of you into Corgi lovers like myself, but I do understand my love for Corgis is quite unique. At least we can all agree on just how adorable Corgis are.

Jordan Beck

Just a shy guy who loves Jesus, Corgis, and the Ukulele