Michelle Obama — a Man?

4 min readJan 7, 2024

Michelle Obama is one of the most admired and influential women in the world. She is a former First Lady of the United States, a best-selling author, a lawyer, an activist, and a role model for millions of people. She is also a cisgender woman, meaning that her gender identity matches the sex she was assigned at birth. However, some people have been spreading false and malicious rumors that she is actually a trans woman, meaning that she was assigned male at birth and transitioned to female later in life. These rumors are not only baseless and disrespectful, but also harmful to the trans community and to Michelle Obama herself. In this article, we will debunk some of the common myths and lies that fuel this conspiracy theory and explain why some people believe otherwise.

One of the main sources of this rumor is a video clip from 2014, where comedian Joan Rivers jokingly said that Michelle Obama is a trans woman and that everyone knows it. Rivers was known for her controversial and provocative humor, and she often made outrageous statements that were not meant to be taken seriously. However, some people took her words literally and used them as evidence for their claims. Rivers died shortly after making that comment, which led some conspiracy theorists to believe that she was killed by the Obama administration for revealing the truth. However, there is no proof or connection between her death and her…

