Shirley Strawberry Breaks Down After Her Husband Scams Her

2 min readJul 11, 2023


Shirley Strawberry, the co-host of the popular radio show The Steve Harvey Morning Show, has revealed that she was scammed by her husband of six years, Ernesto Williams. In an emotional video posted on her Instagram account, Shirley said that Ernesto had been lying to her about his identity, his finances, and his intentions. She said that he had used her name and credit to buy cars, houses, and other luxury items without her knowledge or consent. She also said that he had been cheating on her with multiple women, some of whom he had impregnated.

Shirley said that she found out the truth when she hired a private investigator to look into Ernesto’s background. She said that she was shocked and devastated by what she discovered. She said that she felt betrayed, humiliated, and heartbroken. She said that she had loved Ernesto and trusted him with her life. She said that she had no idea how he could do this to her and why he would do this to her.

Shirley said that she was sharing her story to warn other women who might be in a similar situation. She said that she wanted to help them avoid the pain and suffering that she had gone through. She said that she hoped that they would learn from her mistakes and listen to their intuition. She said that she wished that she had paid more attention to the red flags and the signs that something was wrong. She said that she regretted ignoring the advice of her friends and family who had warned her about Ernesto.

Shirley said that she was trying to heal and move on from this ordeal. She said that she was grateful for the support of her fans, her colleagues, and her loved ones. She said that she was relying on her faith and her strength to get through this difficult time. She said that she was not going to let this ruin her life or her career. She said that she was going to bounce back and come out stronger than ever.

