Shirley Strawberry’s Truck and Wedding Ring Seized to Pay Husband’s Victims

2 min readSep 11, 2023


Shirley Strawberry’s Truck and Wedding Ring Seized to Pay Husband’s Victims

Shirley Strawberry, the co-host of the popular Steve Harvey Morning Show, is going through a rough patch in her personal life. Her husband, Earnest “Ernesto” Williams, is currently in jail for fraud and child pornography charges. He was also involved in a credit repair scam with his mistress, Ericka King, who pretended to be his lawyer. To make matters worse, the police seized Shirley’s truck and wedding ring to pay restitution to her husband’s victims.

According to leaked jailhouse phone calls obtained by a YouTuber, Shirley revealed that the police took her truck outside a hair salon in Roswell, Georgia. She said the same officer who arrested her husband was there and that she suspected they had been following her. She also said that they took her $200,000 wedding ring, which Steve Harvey had given her when he walked her down the aisle at their wedding.

Shirley also expressed her fear of losing her job if people found out about her husband’s situation. She said that Steve Harvey reminded her of a conduct clause in her contract and advised her to distance herself from her husband or risk being fired. She said she was considering moving to Los Angeles after losing her home, car and ring. However, she also said she was not ready to divorce her husband and asked him if he wanted to end their marriage. He told her to “walk away” and “do what you got to do.”

In another phone call, Shirley seemed to be envious of Marjorie Harvey, Steve’s wife, who has a lavish lifestyle with a workout room, a spa and personal trainers. She said that Marjorie looked at them as “the help” and that Steve was “scared” of her.

Shirley’s ordeal has attracted a lot of attention from the media and the public. Some people have criticized her for staying with her husband despite his crimes and infidelity. Others have sympathized with her and offered their support. Shirley has not publicly commented on the matter yet, but she is expected to deliver a “Strawberry Letter” about her own marriage on Monday, Sept. 11, on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. A “Strawberry Letter” is a segment where guests discuss their personal problems and seek advice from Shirley and Steve.

What do you think of Shirley Strawberry’s situation? Do you think she should divorce her husband or stand by him? Do you think she will lose her job or keep it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

