Young Miami Confirms that she is Diddy’s Victim

3 min readNov 25, 2023


Young Miami Confirms that she is Diddy’s Victim

In a shocking turn of events, rapper Yung Miami has confirmed that she is also a victim of Diddy’s rape and abuse. The City Girls member, who dated the music mogul for a few months in 2022, broke her silence on social media after Cassie’s lawsuit against Diddy made headlines.

Cassie, who was in a relationship with Diddy for over 10 years, filed a lawsuit in New York federal court on Nov. 16, 2023, accusing him of multiple counts of rape, sexual assault, battery, false imprisonment and emotional distress. Diddy denied the allegations and settled with Cassie out of court for an undisclosed amount.

Yung Miami, whose real name is Caresha Brownlee, posted a series of tweets on Nov. 21, 2023, revealing that she too suffered from Diddy’s violence and manipulation. She wrote:

“I can’t stay silent anymore. I have to speak my truth. Diddy raped me too. He beat me too. He threatened me too. He controlled me too. He made me feel like I was nothing without him. He made me do things I didn’t want to do. He made me lie to my family and friends. He made me lose myself.”

She continued:

“I’m not doing this for money or fame. I’m doing this for myself and for all the other women who have been hurt by him. I’m doing this to expose him for who he really is. A monster. A predator. A coward.”

She also apologized to Cassie for not supporting her sooner and thanked her for being brave enough to come forward with her story.

“I’m sorry Cassie. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you when you told me what he did to you. I’m sorry I didn’t stand by you when you needed me. I’m sorry I was too scared to leave him. You are a strong woman and an inspiration to me and many others. Thank you for speaking up and fighting back.”

Yung Miami ended her tweets by saying that she is seeking professional help and legal advice to deal with the trauma and the aftermath of her relationship with Diddy.

“I’m not okay. I’m hurting. I’m angry. I’m scared. But I’m not alone. I have my family, my friends, my fans and God on my side. I’m getting therapy and counseling to heal from this nightmare. I’m also talking to my lawyers to see what legal action I can take against him. He can’t get away with this. He has to pay for what he did to me and to Cassie and to anyone else he harmed.”

She also urged anyone who has been abused by Diddy or anyone else to speak up and seek help.

“If you are a victim of Diddy or anyone else who has abused you, please don’t be afraid to tell someone. Please don’t be ashamed or blame yourself. Please don’t suffer in silence. You are not alone. You are not weak. You are not worthless. You are a survivor. You are a warrior. You deserve love, respect and justice.”

Yung Miami’s tweets have sparked a massive reaction online, with many people expressing their support, sympathy and outrage for her and Cassie.

Diddy has not yet responded to Yung Miami’s accusations.

