Doing More

1 min readJun 6, 2017


I think many of us want energy out of our day. We want that spark that gets us excited. That is perhaps biased, but often that is what I want out of my day.

I want to feel fulfilled. And to do that, among accomplishing a few things, I need to be energized.

Everyone gets energy in their own ways.

I am realizing more and more exactly how I operate. I have found that doing nothing all day (relaxing), ironically, makes me tired. It gives me no energy. I become one with the couch.

Conversely, working really hard or doing a variety of things (Traveling, going out, etc.) actually gives me more energy. It helps me wake up earlier the next day because I am excited for what is ahead.

Everyone has the right to do their own thing and find what makes them fulfilled.

If that is netflix all day — I’d say do that.

There is no golden method of finding energy and fulfillment that I’d want to preach on others because I do not believe in one myself.

So, in the mean time, I’m going to continue to “do more.” Why? It gives me energy.

Originally published at

