Making Logical Arguments

2 min readOct 14, 2017


We often let our ego interfere with our ability to make clear decisions. We want things to turn out a certain way. We have a prediction for how some part of the world *should* look, so we conduct an experiment to falsely validate our claims.

And then we move on from there knowing that we lied not only to whoever it is we are making decisions with, but also, and perhaps more importantly, to ourselves.

The weight of this follows us.

And we no longer are able to make clear decisions. We feel the burden of deceiving ourselves.

Arguments rooted in logic, however, take the ego out of the decision making progress.

You care far less about who is right, and far more about what is right.

And you can be wrong, and that is okay.

One interesting question you can ask someone (or yourself) during an argument is…”what new data or information that I can present to you will change your mind?”

If there is nothing — that often means the person you are arguing with has no intention of being wrong. They cannot be wrong, because their ego will not let them.

But when you remove that component…you begin to make more right decisions.

Because no one cares about who is wrong and right — they just want to get to the end goal as fast as possible.

This is rare and important in relationships and society — especially if you are out there trying to build a company. As soon as political entanglements begin to spread throughout the company culture, you start seeing people make decisions out of personal ego and bias.

And this is dangerous.

Clear thinking lets the facts and data win.

But it can be really really hard to get there.

Originally published at

