Solving problems

2 min readNov 5, 2017


There are generally clear signs when people are interested in business for the sake of doing business versus actually the type of person who enjoys solving problems and building out solutions.

While I subscribe to the idea that everyone should think for themselves and optimize for whatever they think will make them happiest or most fulfilled, I tell you honestly when I say that I am a big proponent of one camp versus the other.

I truthfully cannot stand the group that “does business” for all the, in my mind, wrong reasons.

They do business for ego. They build startups for the attention you get for being different and creating a startup.

The biggest problem I have with the space is that tons of people are monetizing others’ time by teaching them bad practices and frankly mediocre advice.

In my writing journey, I personally have made some “mistakes” with giving out general, yet prescriptive advice. I used to think this way — I used to think that you could give first hand accounts and translate them as recipes for others to follow. That is what a ton of people in the “entrepreneur’s space” do.

The crucial problem with that is that completely fails to consider the context and nuance that come with life’s problems and challenges.

What we end up with, when we become obsessed with the “wrong things,” is a pool of mediocre advice in a community that does not take the time to break their perspective.

I rather try and spend my time with people I know are actively trying to be thoughtful and introspective — breaking down and understanding the little components that make the world a special place.

Originally published at

