The Why Not Email

I’m sorry, but…

2 min readMay 20, 2016

However you want to break the news, rejections are tough. No one likes being the one to say no. But life is not fair and not everyone gets what they want.

We have all heard that before. I agree, life is not supposed to be fair. BUT, there are different ways to send out the infamous rejection letter. How you phrase it makes a huge difference — it defines your culture and sheds light on how you treat those who got accepted.

I’ve been turned down a lot (it’s ok)…so I know what to look for.

Chances are if your email or letter begins like this:

I am sorry but…

Thank you for your interest but…

I regret to inform you

Unfortunately you were not

then you have moved on to bigger and better things. The question then becomes, do you close the door and forget about me? Do I become dead to you?

The best “rejectors” are able to keep the door open wide, and this speaks volumes to how they treat their customers/students/boyfriend/girlfriend whatever you want to call it.

I do not want to work for a company that does not put time into it’s “I am sorry…” letters.

I want to work for a company that is self-aware enough to know that turning someone down is, potentially, a huge deal to that person. And that most likely, the company is turning down a few super talented people. Because the hiring process is broken. Knowing this will change the way they deal with hiring.

What is your company doing to instill it’s culture in the hiring process (for both people who get the job and then those who don’t?)

I want to know :)

