J.J Dodgers
5 min readJun 2, 2020

Gemini Birthday — June 7
YOUR SIGN — Gemini
YOUR RULERS — Mercury, Venus.

As a June 7 Gemini, you are by nature one who is quite comfortable when in positions of power, and as result you are more than capable of bearing heavy responsibility.

There can be times when the thoughts, concepts and opinions of the June 7 can differ so considerably from those of their work associates and friends, that they can begin to wonder how indeed they arrived in their current situation in life.

This powerful quality of independence of mind can be one of your greatest assets, in that it will enable and allow you to be yourself irrespective of whatever pressures to the contrary, you may encounter in your life.

Your mind is yours. It is your mind alone, and something into which you can find a retreat in order re-gather your strength, and find the support that you need.

As a June 7 Gemini, you are more likely to become attracted to the lovers in your relationships and your final partner through that of mental attraction than from that of a purely physical perspective.

As a June 7 birth date you can have the tendency to be extremely territorial.

While being vigorously protective within your home and family environment which can be positive factor, those same traits may not be so advantageous, or so easy to apply, within a business work place environment. This is because at times, you can appear to be quite severe with other people.

There are however aspects associated with the June 7 birth date that indicate a fair and balanced type of person when it comes to matters of settling arguments, disputes and conflicts. This particular sense of balance also extends to your personal taste, in addition to that of your attitude.

The June 7 birth date is located near, and associated with the fixed star of Rigel. This is a bright double star situated in the constellation Orion. In more ancient times this location was considered a favorable position in relation to honors, the military, and religious concerns.

There are some June 7 birthdays that can fall on a critical degree of Gemini, and this can identify with individuals who are likely to experience quite deeply, the highs and lows in their life.

As a June 7 you have powerful mental capabilities so that at times you can quite easily move mentally into a world of imagination and fantasy. You love to learn about new things in life and to compare and classify that information according to your wide-ranging knowledge.

There can be times when you can feel that you are in a state of mental confusion. When this occurs consider carrying some form of earthy stone about you.

This could be in the form of a stone such as smoky quartz, mica or, a piece of jasper. These can help you to maintain your personal stability and the feeling that your feet are firmly set on the ground.

The June 7 birth date favors colors that are of subdued or neutral in shading. Lime green is a color that you should consider including in your dress ware as it can help to stimulate your mind and to broaden your mental outlook.

The colors of black and white can be of particular appeal to those of this birth date so you might take a pleasure in the collection of black and white photographs of your travels or, of far off place.

On the mineral front, the gemstone known as Moonstone can help to will boost your visions in life.

On the home front, you should, as a June 7, gain particular home comfort where you try to establish an atmosphere of balance. This might be achieved by including items or ornaments around the home that come in pairs. This can express and fall into line with the duality factor of your sign of Gemini — the twins.

While not to the point of being extreme, your home environment should be visually stimulating to your senses. This can be achieved by décor and the inclusion of some visually attractive items of interest.

As example, these could take the form of some attractive crystal pieces, a chandelier feature or colorful hanging mobiles.

Consider including some form of furniture ware that incorporates plenty of small storage areas. Tuck away slots; cubby-holes or secret hideaways can be of particular appeal to the June 7 nature.

On the outdoor front, The June 7, with their duality of nature, will like an environment of changing landscape. As example, ambling through the shades and light areas of woodlands to fields, moving from within a house into open country.

In your garden, a personal garden shed to which you can retire at times will appeal.

By nature, the June 7 is likely to appreciate small birds so a bird feeder unit positioned in a safe area of your garden could provide immeasurable hours of viewing pleasure.

Garden creatures such as hummingbirds and grasshoppers may well be of particular appeal to your nature.

Your special magic numbers are 4 and 6.

The seventh day of the sixth month reduces to four, and the number four represents that of abstract reason.

The number four represents the ordering principle, which in turn measures, classifies, and arranges the aspects of experience.

The 159th day of the year reduces to six, and the number six adds the element of organizing polarities of life into balance.

Endeavor not to stray too far to one end or the other of the scale available to you in life. Instead strive for balance.

My name is Jordan J Dodgers and as an astrologer I’ve become very interested in relationship astrology, but focus a lot of my work on birthday astrology. I love taking a look at what shapes you as a person based on your birth date, and the traits that you bring to this world. More information about me can be found at the following link where you can get a Birthday Psychic or Astrology Reading done for free or at a promo rate.

J.J Dodgers

Mother of 3, husband of 1? lol jk, loving wife of 1 amazing husband. Love writing about relationships and happiness.