J.J Dodgers
2 min readJun 16, 2022

Does Scorpio go with Pisces in a zodiac love match?

Coming from the same elemental family makes a Scorpio and Pisces compatibility a great match in terms of emotional bonding. Both have strong intuitive and compassionate natures and thus have no problems understanding where each other is coming from in terms of inner drives and working mechanisms.

Both tend to be extremely sensitive, vulnerable individuals who are cautious about revealing and expressing their intimate feelings initially. However, once they feel at ease and secure with each other, this will be a strong union of substance.


The powerful astrological compatibility born from emotional bonding between them gives a deep and intense quality to this relationship.

Each will generally be tolerant and supportive of the other’s weaknesses and goals in life. Pisces is the more elusive and dreamy of the two and has difficulty getting a firm grasp of reality at times.


A Scorpio Pisces relationship offers a deep emotional connection for both lovers. Each also has strengths to help where the other has weaknesses, making this an especially good astrological combination.

Scorpio, a fixed determined sign is likely to help ground the slippery Fish by helping him/her gain a firm footing in the practical world. By doing so, Scorpio can rescue Pisces from emotional confusion.

Both usually have some form of interest in spiritual development so Pisces in turn can help Scorpio to become more attuned to the spiritual and aesthetic part of life.

These two water signs look for solid commitment in a partner, and neither is likely to stray from the relationship once a strong bond has formed. This means that if they make it through a year or two together, it is likely to turn into a lifelong love match.

Compatibility for Pisces and Scorpio shows that these two have the right ingredients to make this connection a real, long-lasting bond.

J.J Dodgers

Mother of 3, husband of 1? lol jk, loving wife of 1 amazing husband. Love writing about relationships and happiness.