3 Books That Blend Ancient Wisdom And Modern Sciences

Jordan stone
2 min readJun 4, 2023



The kybalion is a must for those who want to get a grasp on understanding the principles and laws that shape our reality. Its seven principles give the reader a way of making things such as physics, energy ,matter, and psychology an everyday practical application that benefits one in all ways of life as well as bridge the gap between ancient and modern thought. It is a book I find myself constantly going back to whenever the latest inquiries into the nature of reality, theories on dimensions , exploration into the depths of the mind and forces of the universe are being discovered or re-discovered.

Written by Laird Scranton (an independent software designer) and forwarded by John Anthony West (known for pushing the sphinx water erosion hypothesis) to me proves that the symbols and culture of a West African tribe said to have migrated from Egypt in their past. Have very close the descriptions of quantum science and phenomena woven into their language, mythology and everyday way of life. From the descriptions of deities to the very way they plant and harvest crops, bridges very advanced concepts and ideas to simple mundane functions in their daily lives and given how we are made of these strange particles and invisible forces opens the reader’s mind to a drastic shift in thought. Also the Dogon have incredible astronomical data, a must read for anyone seeking truth to the mysteries of existence.


Written by Serena Roney-Dougal PHD. Getting more into consciousness and the body Dougal lays down the foundation and science of how the conscious and subconscious work, techniques and methodology that have been known to ancient man thousands of years ago and and slowly being rediscovered and verified by our technology and research. As our exploration into the the universe and mind grows the ideas that ancient men and women left behind shows evidence of a road walked before and preserved for future generations . A book highly recommended for those that are skeptical and doubtful.



Jordan stone

Researcher of ancient traditions, esoteric information and occult science