Introducing Crypto High Score: CryptoKitties meets the Million Dollar Homepage

Jordan Lyall
2 min readJan 18, 2018

Today I launched CryptoHighScore. Add your name to the global player leaderboard by paying in ETH. Promote your website or favorite crypto project. It’s like the million dollar homepage on the Ethereum blockchain.

Check it out:

I’m excited to unveil this fun little side-project called Crypto High Score.

I’m not a developer by trade (entrepreneur and product guy), but I thought it would be a fun way to get my hands dirty and learn more about building on Ethereum and MetaMask. I also learned a lot about Node.js along the way.

It’s a public leaderboard you enter by paying in ETH. Whatever you decide to pay, that’s your score. The more you pay, the higher your ranking.

Users can link to their website or project. Think of it like the Million Dollar Homepage on the blockchain.

I recommend MetaMask (Chrome plugin) on the desktop, but any web3 compatible browser will do. On mobile? Check out Toshi or the Cipher Browser.

The origin of the idea came from Marc Kohlbrugge who built something similar a few years ago, but used Stripe to facilitate payments.

It’s now an open source project on GitHub, just to ensure the skeptical that there’s nothing shady going on:

It has also been featured on State of the Dapps, a curated list of decentralized apps built on Ethereum:

Check out and best of luck getting to that top spot.


