Let’s Have A Go

R. Jordan N. Sanchez
3 min readOct 24, 2014

(With Coffee)

This blog will be centered around coffee, my photography and life in Riga. Coffee is something I want to delve a little deeper into. And after having a glimpse into the professional specialty coffee world, while volunteering at the first Barista Camp of Europe, organized by the Barista Guild of Europe, a little fire was lit. I’m not sure what will come of it, but I hope something will.

Kalle Freese and Sarah Higgens.

To touch on the camp a little bit, its got to begin by thanking those that put their blood, sweat, & tears into it. Isa Verschraegen was amazing, and I’m sure I only saw a fraction of the work she put into the camp. The rest of the crew (Kalle, Dale, James and Andrew) were great to work with as well. And not to mention, all of the volunteers and trainers were top notch folks. I can truly say that the group of people that I worked with were some of the most amazing and humble people I’ve met, and I think that says something of the specialty coffee scene, or at least a part of it.

The camp, which was held close to Athens, Greece, consisted of 150 Baristas, Roasters, and other coffee folk from around Europe, all with a goal to learn and experience what the specialty coffee community is about. Participants took part in lectures and exams lead by SCAE (Specialty Coffee Association of Europe) and SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) authorized trainers.

That’s all I’ll write for now about the camp. Below are some of the photos.

Crew, Trainers, and the volunteers.
Janis Podinš of MiiT Coffee
Andris Petkevics of Andrito Coffee Roaster
Erna Tosberg of Roestbar
Raivis Vaitekuns and Sonja Grant
James Hoffmann & Scott Rao
Zamm Coffee

Thanks for spending a little bit of time here.

I'll most likey post more photos pretty soon.

