I Bet You Can Guess What Happened… — 11/26/16

Jordan Robarge
3 min readJan 9, 2017


Again, it’s been two weeks since I last wrote but at least I’m writing. In the last one, I did say I would write next week with pictures but as you might’ve guessed, the trailer construction still hasn’t started. It was supposed to start on Monday (11/14), got delayed to Wednesday (11/16) because of another project and then just wasn’t worked on at all. It’s gotten to the point where they are now going to subcontract out the build because they apparently have too many things on their plate to actually build the damn thing. I sat down with the CEO on Tuesday morning and told him how ridiculous this is and the trailer needs to be built. He even asked me to help pay the extra cost of subcontracting the build and I said hell no because it’s already way past due.

So as you can tell, I’m pretty riled up about this but now it’s supposed to start on 12/1 and I signed up for an event on 12/31 so they must finish by then. If they don’t, I can still vend out of a tent for that event but I’d much prefer to vend out of the trailer. For the pickup truck, I have been extremely close to closing the deal a few times but none of them went through. I’m hoping to get that finished up this week so I can get some money in my pocket. I’m also driving down to Charlottesville next weekend for frisbee alumni weekend and I’m catering the weekend which is super exciting.

Other than all that, things are going well. We finished up the farmers markets this past week but now don’t have a lot to do. I’m thinking about going to some businesses and asking if we can set up outside them to sell chili. I’m interested to see what they say and if they could give me electricity that would make it even better. It would also be perfect to get my employees some more hours. They have been super patient as we have been waiting for the trailer to be built but they are just as antsy as I am and want to get in the truck to start working.

Other than the trailer, everything has been going super smoothly though. We became very comfortable with going to markets after doing a couple which was great. We now know we can do big events and know how to vend out of the tent for them. We know how long it takes to make large batches of chili and what needs to happen to make them. The payroll is all setup and easy to run every two weeks. The last major thing I need to do is decide on an accountant and get him, or her, setup with quickbooks and my bank account. I’m planning on doing that this week as well so hopefully it will go smoothly!

That’s all for now, I’m going to try and write more of a reflection piece this week but I’m not making any promises. Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend and I’m so thankful for all of the readers, love all of you :)



Jordan Robarge

As an entrepreneur in training, this is my story about starting my food truck business with a social mission — Revival Chili.