Teleporting, The first VR Superpower

Jordan T Kay
2 min readApr 20, 2024


I think the best feeling in VR is the ability to look where you want to go, and with a push of the button you are there. Teleporting, the first super power I was able to feel in my first experience with VR, and to find out HOW EASY it is to implement thanks to the XR INTERACTION TOOLKIT.


The Teleportation Provider Component needs to be attached to the XR Origin gameObject as this component is responsible for moving the Origin to the desired location on the user’s request.

This is a very simple component that requires a reference to the Locomotion System. Delay Time is the time in seconds to delay the teleportation once it is activated.


Now, even though our player has the ability to teleport, we need to let the player know WHERE they can teleport to.

The toolkit comes with two options that we can use to define our Teleportation Interactables.

  1. Teleportation Area — It allows the user to select any location on the surface as their destination.

2. Teleportation Anchor — It allows the user to teleport to an anchor location by selecting the anchor or an area around it. The Anchor component needs a reference to the Teleport Anchor Transform which specifies the destination transform to which the origin will teleport when the user activates this anchor.

NOTE: When using the Teleportation Area the origin’s rotation is kept through the teleportation process. When using Teleportation Anchor, no the origin’s rotation is anchored to the rotation of the anchor target’s rotation.



Jordan T Kay

Join my journey into game development with Unity. Learning all I can to produce quality games. 🚀