XR Origin, Your Presence in VR

Jordan T Kay
2 min readApr 19, 2024


With the Unity Package XR Interaction Toolkit I can add a XR Origin Game Object into our project.



The XR ORIGIN is a component that works like a camera stand in virtual reality. It lets you choose how to set up the starting point for where the VR device measures everything from. You can also set which objects represent the base point, the floor level, and the camera itself.

ORIGIN BASE GAMEOBJECT: Game object that will be manipulated by the locomotion system
TRACKING ORIGIN MODE : Tracking origins identify where (0, 0, 0) is in the world tracking
FLOOR MODE: A floor-relative tracking origin mode means that input devices are tracked based on a point on the user’s floor.
DEVICE MODE: In a device-relative tracking origin mode, input devices are tracked from the device’s initial location. The camera’s height is adjusted by changing the position of the Camera Floor Offset GameObject based on a set value called the Camera Y Offset.



Jordan T Kay

Join my journey into game development with Unity. Learning all I can to produce quality games. 🚀