And we’re off! Cryptoscene pre-sale goes LIVE

3 min readJun 8, 2018

We’ve worked towards June 7th for many months, and the moment is finally there. We had anticipated that the market would not have retraced by now, and that ICO’s or ‘TGE’s’ would still be under heavy fire from investors. It doesn’t make things easier, but it definitely motivated us to work harder than ever before. The adventure has only just started.

The concept in a nutshell; We’re making an offline magazine backed by an online platform. With these 2 tools and a killer pro-active team we will pursue our vision of guiding, inspiring and attracting newcomers in the crypto scene.
We have launched a token on the Neblio platform to sustain some features like attending courses, purchasing products or tickets to events and ofcourse the ability for businesses to obtain advertising space in the magazine. It was also a decision we made as it will also function as a crowdfund for the ambitious project created by this young team of enthusiastic blockchain supporters.

Alright, so you’re probably wondering, what if the soft cap is not reached, are you dependent on this? The good thing is that we’re not dependent on the sale, but it would make a lot of difference to Cryptoscene. The magazine would be tremendously less dependent on advertisers, the team could expand faster and we’d simply have more budget to actually attend events together with our public speaker Nassim el Farj and let the blockchain be ‘scene’.

Waterless offset printing system

Also, Cryptoscene prints with a waterless offset system. This means saving large quantities of water, paper and ink. But the costs of waterless printing are about 8% higher than normal printing. Though it’s costly, we will not use chemicals, produce much fewer waste products and work with completely non-toxic full-color inks. Which makes it worth the investment.

Crypto is a big thing, but it’s mostly a big thing on the internet. Currently Cryptoscene is taking steps as to getting the magazine on the shelves of several hot spots in the Netherlands to reach a wide audience, next to offering the magazine available for order on the website. So far we’ve set a couple of different locations around the world where we will launch in 2018–2019, these countries have been selected after extensive research on the market and local reading behaviors.

Voting for articles

A fun thing we’re currently experimenting with in our Telegram channel is a voting system for the online articles to come. The community can vote between a couple of different subjects varying from apprentice to intermediate to expert level articles. This way we can get a feel for what the community likes to see, and we Cryptoscene can adapt on these findings.

We invite everyone to join the pre-sale, but you’re even more welcome to just follow us on social media for the giveaways, articles and events to come.





Some fun statistics

Nebl’s currently raised: 272/10.000

Average visitor growth per month: 37%

Telegram group members: 242

Twitter followers: 255

Average visitors per month: 4700




Sharing our vision about the blockchain and the future of blockchain, as well as uniting businesses with the crypto community.