Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


No stories

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia

Anomaly detection

25 stories

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


12 stories

This diagram illustrates all of the key document processing steps that are supported by Document AI and how they can connect to each other (Credit and image fonte: Google Cloud)
Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


11 stories

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


20 stories

Mobile Marketing Case Studies
Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


1 story

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


1 story

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia

Text Manipulation

1 story

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


1 story

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


No stories

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia

Name matching

1 story

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


1 story

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia


8 stories

Speed up big-data projects
Data augmentation is a technique to solve model overfitting without collecting and labeling new data points. Lot’s of machine learning practitioners use this technique in most of their models. Although any image processing library can do image data augmentation, a dedicated package do it with less effort and better results. Albumentation is one such tool we can use. It could even handle annotated image augmentation faster and cleaner.
Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia

Trading bot

1 story

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia

Web dev

1 story

Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia

Data Analysis

5 stories