(source Alvy/Microsiervos)

The Power of Experience

Jorge Serna


In the last months, I have been writing several posts around things happening in the personal communication space. I have enjoyed lots of comments — both positive and disagreeing, both very welcome — , and when I went into some of the details I realized that the overarching theme around some of the posts had been lost. Which is fine, these posts were quite long — sorry 😅 — , and I was probably being too subtle, so I wanted to take the opportunity to do a brief recap here.

What have been this posts about?

So what is the theme? That the control of the user experience becomes critical in providing, evolving and customizing mobile services.

It may feel obvious to more app-centric people, but in the telecommunication industry world there seems to be a reverence for “native” standardized experiences, feeling a bit of nostalgia around that time in which the dialer was the way to contact your mother, your friend, your bank, your doctor or your pizza place. But the flexibility of apps, and the power they bring to those who own them (and I mention WhatsApp by name in those articles, but you can extend that to any other app), beats one-size fits all approaches.

So whenever an initiative pops up that drives collaboration across several players, I suggest you take a look and see who of them controls the end user experience, because with that comes the power.



Jorge Serna

Product & Strategy in @securitize — formerly Director of Global Communication Products @Telefonica