The Migration Plan

11 min readMay 27, 2022


This text is a message from the Hodler Heroes founding team to the community. We are very proud of what we have created together with the amazing community that has accompanied us on this journey.
This journey is also one of a lot of learning, web 3.0 is being born, and this has been bothering the big players of web 2.0; this factor makes web 3.0 extremely dynamic, forcing any entrepreneur who is willing to explore the blockchain the ability to mutate for the adversities that appear along the way and the continuous sense of improvement and evolution of the product.
We know that blockchain will become increasingly strong over time and government regulation in several countries happening and CBDCs (state currencies) that should be a reality in the main North American, South American, and European economic poles over the next five years. With China already having the Digital Yuan in circulation. We will prepare our project for this incredible journey that will take place.
In this article, we will explore the Hodler Heroes migration plan for its version 2.0, which will add functionality so that we can capture users from the old web 2.0, becoming a product that serves both blockchain users and non-blockchain users. In addition to allowing the publication of a game on all major game platforms on the market (Steam, PlayStore, Apple Store).
We’ve always believed in a game focused on PVP, without the click-to-win dynamics regardless of the outcome of your match. Our PVP and tournament momentum has proven strong, and has survived tough times in the Crypto world and reached incredible numbers during this journey.

Our Numbers

So far, our BEP-20 token has more than 10,000 holders and more than 200,000 transactions. Shows that the project had continuous movement from the community. In addition, our BEP-721 pass reached the total of NFT mined at 58,590, distributed among approximately 7,000 addresses. The average NFT mint price was 3~5$. We are proud to present our play to earn numbers to our community, which shows a massive return to players who have correctly use our project.

Value per Rarity Category

In addition, more than $90,000 in rewards were paid through CAKE and WBNB fees to project holders, adding another profit factor for everyone who was an early HHNFT investor. To add data to our project, we reached a volume of more than $10,000 in tournaments held in the most various tokens, with several players achieving incredible ROI in a short time in a very fun and competitive dynamic. Our P2P market has reached approximately $15,000 in buy and sell volume, where players have made huge profits by selling their rarest cards.

Hodler Heroes V2

We know that to thrive in the world of crypto games, we need to evolve in terms of product. Creating a game has always been our proposal, and we will not give up on it, but for that, we need to restructure some things.
Base Concept of HHNFT V2 will allow the user to create one or more base characters, with classes defined for evolution throughout the game. According to their style, these characters have fixed “stats” and “skills” at the time of creation. These attributes evolved during the journey in the PVE (Player vs. Environment) and PVP (Player vs. Player) world.

Stats at level 0 by base character class

Base players can explore their classes according to whether they generate experience in PVE or PVP modes. The Warrior base class player using a sword will evolve in swordsmanship skill when switching to an ax will evolve in axe fighting, below we present the base skills table.

Skills table for the first game version

The player can use their NFT in two ways, through “skins” that must be worn, and this action applies specific attribute bonuses for each skin type. As an example, we present the table below:

Example of skins bonus, spells and stats

Each base character gains 1+ stats at each level. When he uses a certain skin, the bonus is applied (example in the table) on the base character. When wearing a skin, it will be attached to the player’s body between 24–48 hours. After the cooldown period, the player can remove the skin and use another one from their inventory. The skin absorbs EXP from monsters and their biomes and also from PVP. Each skin can evolve its spell tree according to the time it is used by the bass player and also the battle experience absorbed.

Exemplo de um player, classe Warrior evoluindo do level 0 até o 2 e vestindo uma skin


We will create a cross-platform MMORPG focused on monetizing and converting web 2.0 users to the fantastic world of play to earn games and web 3.0
We are passionate about the game asset we create. Still, we know that to be published on major platforms (Steam, PlayStore, AppleStore), it is necessary to make some corrections in characters that legislators on copyright may misinterpret. We will keep 90% of the game style and our art in a unique 2D game with multi-biomes and servers spread across the central regions of the world.

Mockup, to represent style of game

Monetização na web 2.0

For players who are not from the crypto world, we can purchase packages within the market platforms; this purchase of tokens will always be at a lower rate of quantity compared to those who purchase within the web 3.0.
For this, we will include Heroes Ashes, a BEP-20 token used within the game in various dynamics, such as guild formation, weapon improvement, armor refinement, and evolution of your pet. These functions mainly aim to encourage the buy-burn of the game’s support token.

Heroes Ashes use inside game and destination pool

Web 2.0 players can buy Heroes Ashes, through the market platforms, through fiat currencies and credit cards, the team will add the proportional liquidity to the token on the blockchain, discounting the fees applied for this type of transaction, remembering that the proportion for these purchases will always be lower than that obtained in web 3.0.
The focus of this initiative is the migration of capital and users from web 2.0 to the incredible world of play to earn games and web 3.0. Our game was born on the blockchain and will continue to be present in it with actions and campaigns focused exclusively on the crypto world. Still, we know the potential for capital insertion from users of traditional market platforms and we will explore this path.

Mockup, to represent style of game


To maintain our magic and beautiful pixel art construction, we will separate our NFTs into two main categories.


As explained above, this category will be occupied by all NFTs with a humanoid prototype. They were allowing the player to evolve and have more than one skin in their inventory to be able to explore all game biomes. Game biomes can be favorable or unfavorable for skin by acting on their weaknesses and strengths.


Non-humanoid NFTs, such as Kalak(Dragon), Rhama(Tree), Paçoca(Robo). They will be converted into pets, accompanying the player during his journey in the world of Hodler Heroes. Pets have active and passive spells and can be evolved to improve their battle skills. This item will be detailed later in the official project docs and wiki.

Mockup, to represent style of game


Looking at our creation, we understand that the tokenomics created along with the project made perfect sense at the time of launch, but today the high rates that we have in our contract work completely wrong. Its main intention was to generate dividends for holders today. It generates values ​​in the house of cents on the dollar for 90% of our community base. In addition to bringing a minimal return to our users, these fees also end up scaring new users and making the marketing investment present meager conversion returns from new users.
So for Hodler Heroes V2, we present a tokenomics focused on the dynamics of play to earn concentrate on the long term for the development of a solid game.

Tokens Buy/Sell fee description

In addition to the fees embedded in the buying and selling process, we will be directing payments from the following features allocated on the platform.

  1. Stake of HHNFT — 5% goes to play to earn
  2. Marketplace — 8% goes to play to earn
  3. Rent of cards — 5% goes to play to earn and 5% to stake pool
  4. Special Dungeon Enroll — 50% goes to play to earn and 50% to stake pool
  5. Weapons/Armor refine — 50% goes to play to earn and 50% to stake pool
  6. Level UP — 80% goes to play to earn and 20% goes to stake pool

We know that for play to earn and not affect the project, the sources that supply this system must always be aligned with the project’s main features. This way, we can guarantee the flow of money to reward players through the game’s mechanics.

Tokens Distribuition

For a better long-term experience, we know that our token distribution needs to change. The buy and sell fees support the project, so the token distribution conceived is as follows for this migration, focusing on improving the overall liquidity structure and the long-term distribution of the project’s tokens.

After the token launch event, the team will add liquidity in BTC to ensure the project’s long-term sustainability. For this, 15% of the amounts collected during the launch event and private sales, and early investor rounds will be reserved and saved for this operation. At the end of these documents, we will leave the portfolios that will protect these values.

Compesação para o HHNFT V1

The new NFT dynamics for the V2 contract will change. Each NFT will have a base purchase price of 40$ in HHNFT V2. We propose a fixed exchange table to keep the game dynamics working and sustainable. Considering all the boosts and promotions, V1’s NFT sold at an average of $5

Compensação NFT V1 to V2:

Current V1 NFT holders will be entitled to great compensation. As the return dynamics will differ for the new token, reducing the amount of NFT created is necessary. To support the migration process, 35% of the current liquidity will be allocated to the new token, ensuring that old players have their rights and do not affect new players in the project. This compensation will be done in Heroes Ashes, where this liquidity will be added and will be the default currency for the main functions of the game.

Each NFT of the HHNFT V1 version had an average price of 5$. Each new NFT of the HHNFT V2 project will have a fixed cost of 40$ in HHNFT V2. This worksheet aims to balance old players and new players. Remember that 35% of the current liquidity will be migrated to play to earn.

Compensação BEP-20

Compensation for BEP-20 tokens from HHNFT v1 will have the dynamics of airdrop with a period of twelve months for current holders. Being the total supply different, the number of tokens will be proportional in the new contract. Users will receive a proportional amount of tokens with a defined vesting time. The below table demonstrates the dynamics and conversion rate.

Rate conversion for HHNFT V2

Below we show the dynamics of receiving tokens for two scenarios shown in the table above during the vesting tim

Example of Holders Vesting time

Funcionalidades do projeto

We understand that the timing of the launch is crucial for the project. We will make the following features available within our Dapp release date.

  • Hodler Heroes V1 — Tournament Game
  • Stake of NFT — Earn Interest. APR ~8% Year (BEP 721)
  • Stake of HHNFT V2 — Earn Interest. APR ~12% Year (BEP 20)
  • NFT Mint Feature
  • My NFT Page
  • Marketplace
  • Game Beta Version

Cronograma / Roadmap

After a week of hard work, we reached the end of planning the new roadmap. We calculated a deadline of 3 months for the launch of the project on the blockchain and four months for the release of the game’s final version.
So the team will be active, holding weekly AMAs with the project developers for the community. This AMA will be fixed every Friday at 8 pm on the global Telegram channel.
Community participation and engagement are significant for any project. We know that passing information about what is happening and collecting community feedback is necessary for synergy between devs, moderators, and the community so that we will keep the following activities already scheduled.

Tournaments— HHNFT V1

We will keep the dynamics of tournaments within the AMA, where players can participate with their cards. This event will be held every ten days to keep the community engaged and with BUSD and ticket raffles that can be used in the updated version of the project.

Community Content Generator

We will be opening the chance for the community to create their maps. We will hold workshops to carry out the knowledge transfer to generate map files.
These map files will be sent for community voting. The most voted maps will be deployed to the game.
Our game dynamics allow for the decentralization of content creation. In addition to map dynamics, we will open up to the community to participate in creating quests, mobs, weapons, and specific PVP areas.
Content creators will be rewarded through tokens from community voting. This vote allows you to generate an incentive for all community content creators.

Doxxed Team

Our team already had KYC with PinkSales, but for the community to feel more comfortable, the team of developers decided to release our connections through social networks.

Considerações de Boris, Jorge e Seb

We know we’ve done an excellent job so far, as shown in the numbers part of this article. We also know that, like everything in life, changes and improvements are necessary. We believe that V2 of this project, focusing on fixing the most prominent problems and improving the game’s dynamics, will surely create solid foundations for the project’s future.
We appreciate the support and will soon be living a new moment with the game and the V2 version up and running. If you have questions, look for us in our communities on Telegram, Discord, or Twitter to follow the news.

