Starter Guide to MapQuest.js

Jorge Castro
2 min readOct 17, 2023

A brief tutorial on MapQuest’s SDK (Software Development Kit)

Screenshot of MapQuest.js map

I recently embarked on a small journey with a group I was assigned to in my Full Stack Coding Bootcamp. We were tasked with creating an app from scratch to fulfill a simple need. Throughout this project, we delved into the world of new technologies, researching and experimenting to figure out how to turn our idea into a functioning application. While the intricate details of our application’s purpose aren’t the focus of this post, one key element takes center stage: MapQuest.js, MapQuest’s open-source SDK (Software Development Kit).

Our project required a map API capable of displaying routes from one location to another, and MapQuest.js not only met this need but exceeded our expectations. This SDK provided a wealth of functionality that users could interact with. The map was not just static; it could be zoomed in, dragged around, and users could toggle between satellite view and access real-time traffic information, making our app all the more dynamic and practical.

Implementing MapQuest.js into our code was surprisingly straightforward. The documentation was user-friendly and intuitive, providing step-by-step guidance. To get started, simply included the CDN link provided in the MapQuest.js documentation (documentation below) into the head of your HTML file. This allows you to access the SDK script that is also provided in the documentation. Be sure to included the provided “div” element in the HTML body to serve as the designated map display area.

Within the ‘’ function, you can customize the map’s default center using latitude and longitude coordinates under the “center” key. Likewise, you can set the default zoom level of the map under the “zoom” key.

With your default map configuration in place, the final step is to display routes on the map. To accomplish this, you need to utilized the directions().route() method (examples within documentation). Simply set the “start” and “end” destinations with appropriate addresses, the map will then display the route from the starting point to the destination.

Once again, this is a brief tutorial to help you get started with MapQuest.js. For a more comprehensive understanding of its capabilities, and for additional examples, please refer to the MapQuest.js documentation available at MapQuest JavaScript Library — v1.3 | MapQuest API Documentation.

