The Power of Collaborative Decision-Making: Implementing the Advice Process in Teal Organizations

Jörgen N. Karlsson
5 min readFeb 19, 2023

Do you find yourself frustrated with traditional decision-making processes? Are you tired of the top-down approach that stifles creativity and innovation? Then perhaps it’s time to consider the advice process, a key element in the Teal organization model that empowers individuals and promotes collective wisdom.

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In Teal organizations, the Advice Process is a fundamental part of decision-making. It allows anyone to make any decision after seeking advice from everyone who will be affected and people with expertise in the matter. The decision-maker considers all relevant advice but ultimately chooses the best action. Power is now distributed, and everyone’s input is valued. Decisions are distributed and can be taken close to where the information exists and with speed.

The Advice Process, invented by Dennis Bakke at AES and described in his book “Joy at Work,” differs from consensus-based decision-making, where everyone has veto power. In the Advice Process, used still at AES, power and responsibility rest with the decision-maker, typically the person most affected by the issue. The decision-maker considers all the advice but ultimately makes the decision.



Jörgen N. Karlsson

Teal-Agile Coach, Mentor, and Trainer, with a deep interest in the future of organizing. You can reach me here: