Jorge Sebastiao, an Innovation Thought Pioneer and Force to be reckoned with, Joins Glow DeFi as CEO

Jorge Sbastiao
3 min readDec 7, 2023

Glow DeFi, a decentralized money stage that offers inventive answers for crypto financial backers, is glad to declare that Jorge Sebastiao has joined the group as the new Chief. Jorge Sebastiao is a carefully prepared ICT master in areas of network safety, man-made reasoning, blockchain, distributed computing and oversaw administrations zeroed in on business value³. He brings insight, imagination, construction and advancement to the arrangements he engineers through ICT framework.

Jorge Sebastiao is likewise the organizer behind the Worldwide Blockchain Association, a non-benefit association that intends to advance the reception and improvement of blockchain innovation around the world. He is a leader guide for a few blockchain projects, like CanETH, Qubit Tech, BullionBlock, and the sky is the limit from there. He is likewise a prime supporter and financial backer of EcoX Dubai, a stage that interfaces eco-accommodating organizations and shoppers. Jorge Sebastiao is a continuous speaker and specialist at global occasions, for example, the AIBC Culmination, where he shares his bits of knowledge and skill on the most recent patterns and improvements in the crypto, blockchain and DeFi space².

As the President of Aura DeFi, Jorge Sebastiao will lead the vision and methodology of the stage, which intends to give clients admittance to numerous income streams, for example, Initial public offering interest, shared loaning, and crypto exchange exchanging. Radiance DeFi use the force of shrewd agreements and blockchain innovation to offer straightforward, secure, and effective answers for crypto financial backers. Jorge Sebastiao will likewise administer the turn of events and send off of the Aura Administration Token (NBU), which will empower clients to take part in the administration and dynamic course of the stage.

“I’m extremely invigorated and respected to join Glow DeFi as the President. Radiance DeFi is a distinct advantage in the DeFi business, as it offers a special and complete stage that takes care of the necessities and inclinations of various sorts of crypto financial backers. I accept that Glow DeFi can possibly become one of the main stages in the DeFi space, and I anticipate working with the capable and enthusiastic group to make this vision a reality.” said Jorge Sebastiao.

Radiance DeFi is glad to invite Jorge Sebastiao as the President and accepts that his authority and skill will carry colossal worth and development to the stage and the local area. Aura DeFi welcomes everybody to join the stage and experience the advantages and potential open doors that it offers. For more data, if it’s not too much trouble, visit the authority site of Radiance DeFi¹..



Jorge Sbastiao

Jorge Sebastiao A Renowned Blockchain And AI Expert