Some tips to create a Wonderful CFP

Jorge Cano
5 min readNov 22, 2018


Each year, ng-conf receives hundreds of proposals, and there is not enough space for all … That’s why having a good CFP is very important when submitting a proposal to speak at #ngconf2019 .

The first thing I have to tell you is that there is not magic potion …

But, there are a few good tips for making your CFP more striking and impressive. Here are just a few:

It is very important that you understand what your “purpose” is for the talk, let’s see some examples:

- Explain specific functionality

- Show the library you were creating

- Talk about performance on X performance

Now, if you want to tell how cool your company is and what they do, it would be better to have your company sponsor, because the talks about “how cool is my company” are usually not selected.

Now that you know what you want to talk about, you’re going to have to think about a title and a description for the talk … but we’re going in parts…

Every year, ng-conf chooses a theme … if you have not seen it yet, for the #ngconf2019 the theme is going to be “space” … so if you are creative, hook your CFP with something of the theme. This could make it more attractive…

Returning to the proposal, we should think about our description (Yes, the title is left for later)…

Imagine that we want to talk about the “remoteness of a star” … Then we have the idea of the talk … now we should focus on “selling” it so that they choose it …

There are many methods of “selling” our talk, but let’s see some interesting ones:

“When you look at a star, have you ever thought about how far away it is?, Did you take into account the distance or the equipment that we would need to reach it? “

Ask “interesting” questions that you will then answer in the talk. It is a good option to give an overview of what you want to cover in your talk …

“SUPERREMOTESTAR is a mega-framework for research the best options for navigating to your favorite start, are you ready for arrive?”

Another option is to say what you are going to do in a few words, so that reading it generates intrigue.

There are many methods to write a CFP (it could be a university course), but the important thing is that it has a meaning. You are selling your talk for others to “buy” and be chosen among the few that can enter every year.

You have the “idea”, the “Abstract”, and now it’s time to create your title…

The first thing that catches the attention of a talk is the title, if the title is attractive, people will take the time necessary to read the abstract of the talk…

This year, I gave a talk about “Angular Bazel and closure compiler”, of course, if I put this on my own and the organizer’s don’t know what Bazel is, it would not be attractive to them, so I called her “ABC: it is not the beginning of the alphabet “. After several iterations I end up calling my talk ABC: the new Alphabet for Angular “, and it was striking enough for the selectors of 4 different conferences to read the abstract and accept the talk …

The point is, the title and the abstract must have absolute meaning between them both. An individually striking title and striking abstract do do not necessarily make them attractive together … this is important, to pivot between the title and the abstract so that they are a unique piece of art.

ABC, The new Alphabet for Angular

Monorepos, Blazingly-fast localized builds, and highly optimized output bundles are no longer a dream reserved just for the dream teams — they are now a big-time reality in Angular.

You are prepared for what is coming: Angular Bazel & Closure!

This is an example of a CFP, which worked for me (not in all proposal), this does not mean that it is perfect or that yours should be like this, it is just an example … as mentioned at the beginning, there are no magic potions for this …

Many CFP forms, allow us to write something “extra” outside of what is going to show to the public, this place is VERY IMPORTANT, here is where you can write a little more about your talk and also clear some doubts that may Get to bring your Title or abstract…

So it is very important to do a little more in this section, remember to add everything you have in mind, if you have an example to show in the chat, add it there, for example => “I’m going to show you how to make a migration to bazel in 5 minutes and every time I make a compilation takes 10x less than with the common method “, “create a karaoke machine and I want to make someone sing “… this will be known by you and the organizers ( who should know to help you in the preparation), BUT it will be a big surprise for those who see your talk, for example.

It’s All About The Angular Baby — ng-rap — LIVE — Shai Reznik

Do you already have everything?

Okay, so it’s time to push the button and send your proposal!!

Good Luck and Enjoy creating your CFP

Thanks for read 👌




Jorge Cano

Angular Google Developer Expert — Principal Engineer