1 min readNov 27, 2015


Dave, nice to see us both here. You’ve always been a proponent of content anywhere. If you don’t play with the incumbents (and if the incumbents don’t try to play with other media) then you force us to pick and choose, and the platforms become vulnerable. It’s unlikely FB would lose a faceoff, but its willingness to play with others is a nod to the power of content. You could argue that the ultimate salvo would be FB starting to develop its own content, but then it would lose frenemy status with the publishers it already works with, including WP.

I’ve observed a massive shift by bloggers (including myself) to Medium, as they’ve dialed back blogging and diversified their platforms. Those who are strongly invested in their sites for monetization are sticking to WP and cross-posting to M when appropriate. Medium provides stronger distribution for me, and it provides what Twitter hasn’t — content that I can better curate. The key to world domination, IMO, will be in M’s ability to integrate social curation into the content experience.




Growth operator of consumer digital companies. Startup Advisor. Co-Founder of influencer content marketplace BlogHer.