Know these Corporate Etiquettes To Avoid Snafus

JoSa Imaging
3 min readAug 21, 2019


Do you realize that even the smallest mistake in corporate gifting can overshadow all your good intentions put behind it? It will no more matter whether the gift is an expensive one if the recipient’s interest is not aligned with it. Consider “corporate gifting” as a HUGE opportunity and an important virtue for showing your heartfelt sentiments to the valuable employees and clientele.

If the things are done right and everything falls in place, your business is bound to receive an advertising edge. So grab this chance and have some fun by going creative this gifting season. Make this time-consuming affair an enjoyable one by avoiding these few of the common mistakes. Never forget to give a practical yet memorable and classy Corporate gift Singapore. Keep reminding your clients, the value and the feelings you behold for them. Read further to know how to make the most of the corporate gifting.

  • Don’t wait for specific occasions:
    Come out this shell of gifting only at the end of the year, instead, start giving gifts after achieving even a single milestone. Show gratitude on important holidays and festivals; it helps you to have a more significant impact on your employees and clients. Take a moment, give it a thought and then gift on random yet memorable occasions. A thoughtful gift shows that you genuinely value and care about them.
  • Gifting without deciding the budget:

It is true that instead of buying cheap products, gift them an expensive one but wait, do not forget to set a budget for it. Check upon your profits and decide a lumpsum amount for buying the corporate gifts. This number will help you not to overspend over the gifts. Some clients may feel that you have purposefully spent a considerable amount of money or sometimes the other way round. So do your proper research before going ahead with the gifting.

  • Not performing the research well:
    We know it is time-consuming as well as an overwhelming task, but you need to put on little effort into understanding your employee’s and client’s interest. You need to add that “personal touch” in deciding upon the gifts and customizing them if required. Invest a bit of your time in customizing the accessories(if S/He holds interest in it), get the company’s logo embossed and get going. Invest in buying a beautiful pair of earrings or classy cufflinks.
  • Not personalizing the gifts:
    Never consider your employees or clients as a sea, but they are your cash cow. If you are planning to give them awards or trophies, customize it by engraving the individual’s name, initials, or the logo. We are sure this gesture would leave them “awe-struck” after receiving them.
  • Going for cheap quality:
    Needless to say, but a poor quality gift is never welcomed. Imagine your client flaunting your gift, will a poor quality gift look good? Invest in gifts that will look uber classy, and your employees can show it to friends proudly. Give an exceptional looking gift that would look classy, sassy, and drop the jaw of the receiver.

Hence we say, doing it the right way is the key to success. Make sure that you avoid all these mistakes as much as possible for your benefit. You can also try having a cheap T-shirt printing Singapore. Have happy gifting!

