Star Atlas — Titan Ships

7 min readFeb 24, 2022


A tale about their impact in the Star Atlas Metaverse

Busan — The Last Stand mk. III — The first of his name

My Dear Readers,

Following the spirit of our conversation regarding guilds yesterday at the Star Atlas Brew in the discord voice channel I decided to talk about a topic that we all love.

Titan Ships

I will be especially focusing on theory crafting about how guilds will perceive the Titan Ships, what they might be able to do with them and how this will affect the politics in SA.

So sit tight and follow me to the world of the big boys!

Titan Ships — What are they? What do they eat? Where do they live?

Much is speculated around the Titan Ships, and the reason is quite simple, They are crazy strong noot machines flying without care through space, strong enough to bring down a planet all by themselves.

Seems actually reasonable to be aware of them right?

The good news is that, for a long period, there will be only 3 (4) of them, so you got to be really unlucky to run on one of them in the High-risk Zone!

Here are those beasts beautiful names!

Busan The Last Stand MK. III — A Fighter Class Ship

The Pearce T1 — A Fighter Class Ship

Fimbul Ecos Superphoenix — A Bomber Class Ship

The NOOTSTAR — a unique Multi-class ship

From the four above, obviously, the coolest one is the N…

Ok, guys, I just received a call from Dan, Star Atlas legal team, telling me that for some reason I can’t display as official information the NOOTSTAR, that they won’t build it for me, and that he is already tired of explaining to me that I can’t come up with new ships on my own.

So pretend that we just have the first 3 titan class ships ok?


So yeah, we have those Titans Ships, and they have a lovely description, check it out!

“The ultimate piece of space-traveling hardware. Titan Class ships support massive crews and full colonies with self-sustaining ecosystems onboard. Equal to the firepower of a large space station plus an entire fleet of lesser ships, securing your territory has never been easier.”

It has been hinted that we might see thousands of players inside one of those beauties, so yeah, you should noot mess with one of them.

I will reserve myself the right to investigate each of their characteristics and information in a near future since the focus of our article today is not the Titans per se but their impacts on the Star Atlas Game.

So, what’s gonna happen when those monsters are unleashed in our Metaverse? Let us see!

  1. The Supreme Power of Titans is not their power, but their logistic capabilities

I was here nooting to myself.

Titans will be huge powerhouses flying across the space, and yeah, their firepower is no joke.

BUT, the true power of the Titans Ships lies in their aptitude on the logistics front.

We can only assume that Titan Ships will have the biggest warping capability in-game, along with HUGE storage capability for resources and ships.

This basically means that not only Titan Ships can be deployed really fast in action across our metaverse, but also, they will be bringing their friends to noot your world up with them!

Yeah, if we were hinted that a Titan could accommodate hundreds, if noot, thousands of players, it’s very fair to assume that they could also take hundreds of ships with them.

Beautiful isn’t it?

2. Titans will be the ultimate form of soft power in SA Metaverse

Having a Titan Ship has its perks, and the first one is people knowing you have a Titan Ship.

You won’t even need to use it, just take it for a stroll sometimes across your borders and you will see the discord chat going wild with guesses about what the hell you are planning to do!

This visibility factor accounts a lot since SA is a political game, which entails that emotions will play a very big role in the decisions of guilds and players inside the game.

You can be 110% sure that people, especially the guilds, will keep watching every single movement that the Titans make, and the smart leader will use it as a way to leverage their positions inside the game.

Even without using the ship.

3. Titans will work like cities, especially, in the HRZ

Although you don’t need to use your Titan to make use of it as I have explained above, you will actually want to do that, otherwise, you will go bankrupt pretty fast due to the costs of keeping this baby functioning.

Yeah, if you are sad that your Opal Jet eats like an Ox, you can imagine that the Titan will be as hungry as I’m after a day of nooting, it will be a sight to behold indeed.

So yeah, you need to make use of your Beast, and what is the best way to do that?


NOOT NOOT! No! sorry guys the Chaos gets the best of me sometimes. What you should be doing is transform your Titan into a happy place of commerce!

Yeah! You can be 110% sure that you will be able to even sell tickets to people to visit your Ship! Also, who wouldn’t want to set a moving store inside your planet-sized Death Star?

I would for sure!

This will be especially interesting the HRZ, I doubt that even the most fierce space marauder would randomly try to strike you down without a really carefully and long-planned attack, so 99% of the time you will have the monopoly of goods and services across the supply routes!

This is the way to get rich fam! No(o)t financial advice!!!!

So yeah! Make use of your Ship in the best way possible!

4. Titans will be selling for a couple of million Dollars

Well, this is only natural.

If you read the topics above you will see that having a Titan early in the Star Atlas gameplay is an enormous advantage of epic proportions for you and your guild.

So I foresee that the big guilds and even Metaverse companies will go into a bidding war to acquire those monsters.

I’m not preoccupied though, since I will be getting my N… ok, ok I remember, noot talking about NOOTSTAR.

Well, you got the drill, we will see huge amounts of capital pooling to get the Titans.

That makes me think that most of the titans will not end up in the hands of a single guild, they will belong to an alliance, that will have shared governance of the asset.

This might be better for the stability of the political world of SA.

5. Titans won’t be fighting other Titans in the early days of Star Atlas

I foresee that the first thing that will happen after the determination of the 3 owners of the Titans will be a treaty among them to not fight each other.

I can only see a few scenarios where this wouldn’t occur:

a) Someone manages to acquire 2 Titans, then he would go after the third Titan and try to destroy it;

b) Toxic behavior from a Titan owner — In this scenario, the community would unite against him and take him down, and the other titans would most likely comply with that.

c) Ultimate political necessity — Like a survival war for some big guild.

Otherwise, I think that the costs and doubts about what would happen when two Titans clash would make their owners reticent, to say the least, of trying to fight one another.

There will be an understanding between them if everything goes normally, at least until it’s possible to acquire the blueprints to craft another Titan.

6. Being a Titan Owner will be one of the hardest positions in-game

Imagine having a floating death star, filled with thousands of players, that costs maybe thousands of dollars in resources alone each month, which is the desire of every single player inside the Star Atlas game.

As Bomber, leader of the Skull and Bones pirates said yesterday:

“We have some achievements We are planning to establish for our guild members and the biggest one we have so far is Titan destroyer, just saying”

Yeah, you will have to worry about A LOT of stuff while playing the Titan game.

I honestly can’t imagine someone actually trying to manage a Titan gameplay on his own, there is just too much to consider, the economics, the crew, the people living inside it, the politics, the faction, the Daos, the pirates, and God knows what else!

So yeah, you will need support from trustworthy people, like, real family level trust, do even start thinking about acquiring a Titan.

This is the kind of thing that is really hard to do even after years of friendship in real life, so yeah, you will need some kind of special person to manage a Titan Ship functionally.

Closing Thoughts

Yeah, as uncle Ben used to say, with great powers comes great responsibilities, and this is especially true regarding the Titans.

I’m really excited to see how the actors in SA will use the Titans to forward their gameplay and agendas!

Imagine seeing the destruction of the first Titan in the game?! It will be crazy!

I hope you guys enjoyed today’s article! I’m excited about this week’s Townhall, and I’m anticipating some news about polis dao, Cream, showroom, and maybe some other surprises the SA team is holding for us o.o.

As always, have a nice day guys! Drink lots of water as well! We will meet in Discord later!




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