Everything that we know so far, and maybe some alpha.
Hello my Dear Readers!
As most of you all know by now, I’m a huge fan of Polis, the cryptocurrency which translates into political power in our most ambitious game Star Atlas. Governance is key to the metaverse of SA, being able to influence on ever layer of the game, from the taxes on the most humble solar system to the mobilization of the full fleet of one of the factions. Hell, Polis holders can even vote the Star Atlas devs out of the game should they wish so!
So yeah, there are lots of in game and extra game features about Polis, which you can read here in my medium an overview of those mechanics, while I prepare a more in depth guide.
But the exercise of those voting rights in the SA Metaverse are conditioned to the Polis Staking Dao, which is the main topic of today article. Today I shall discuss with you all about how the Polis Dao will likely work, the dates, APY % calculations methods for the Participation on the DAO, the vesting periods and rewards reclaiming dates and much more noot!
- What is the Polis Dao?
That’s a good point to start huh? Well, to put it in simple terms, the Polis Dao is a series of capital pools of polis, with different locking periods in which the Polis holders can stake their Polis in order to acquire citizen rights on the Macro SA metaverse organization(since regional and faction Daos will not be up yet), which basically means that, while your capital is locked in those pools you will be able to make proposition and vote on other players proposition for the good development of SA Metaverse.
What can the Polis DAO vote on? Pretty much everything!!! You can even vote for the whole game to gather part of the players taxes and build me a NOOT STAR (it’s like a death star, but cooler). The only restriction I found so far is the system of 3 factions, you can’t vote a faction of existence, you degen!
But lets say that you are that kinda of guy that don’t like politics, diplomacy, espionage and bla bla bla, you take your fleet, you go PEW PEW POW POW, no questions asked, no explanation given, why should you care about the Polis Dao? Well lets talk about some economics then.
2. The Economical benefits of participating in the Polis Dao
Even if you don’t like politics, you might want some diversification on the Polis Dao due to how the remuneration mechanisms gonna work.
Basically, there will be two variables that will determine the APY you gonna get from staking:
a) The pool time requirement in which your capital gonna be locked — The longer the better
b)The number of Holders on the Pool your capital is locked — the fewer the better
“Noot, do you know about the time frame of the pools? How long our capital gonna be locked?”
Actually I do!
Well, at least some of them noot noot! I know that the longest term pool gonna be a 3 years locking period, in which every quarter you gonna be able to claim your rewards!
From there, the pools will have proportionally smaller locking periods, to the point that you can claim rewards monthly, probably, on a 3 months contract or something like that!
Yeah, whit such long periods of locking we are looking in a real scarcity of Polis on the Market, which will probably be a huge factor in price for this already scarce asset.
You may be wondering about how they gonna pay the rewards for the polis holders while not inducting inflation on the market huh? Well the Big Brains of SA got that figured out as well, and I will cover that just now so you will understand where your money will come from.
3. How the SA DAO Staking pool economics works?
As soon as this penguin deposit his assets on the Polis Dao, SA will be full of milions, if noot Billions worth of Polis on their Vaults! Those polis, along with the others holders tokens will be a huge mass of capital locked at the disposal of the SA team.
So what happens when you are the biggest holder of a scarce asset? You are allowed to become the most brilliant market maker, since the exchanges and other pools will need to buy polis from you due to its scarcity, so SA will acquire cheap polis and might be able to sell it for good rates.
That’s not all though, as stated in the economic paper 40% of all existing polis will be distributed to the SA DAO in a smooth curve of 8 years, the biggest rewards will be distributed to the early holders in the longest terms contracts, so we will probably see huge numbers of apy here.
What’s more, part of all Atlas “burners” (score ship resources, land and product taxes, mining and land developing costs and etc) will be shared with the Polis DAO!
Yeah, even the more badass capitain eyes will shine with their polis.
So, should you consider buying Polis? I don’t know, you tell me.
We will have our answers on this hopefully on february 3rd, if we are not delayed.
4. Final Notes
On a final note, even though I made this analysis of the Polis Dao I ask you to do your own research. All this info is subject to change until the official announcement of the SA team as this is a project in constant development.
Please don’t use your rent money on this, the market is especially volatile now a days, Noot noot.
I hope you enjoyed this text, hopefully it is helpful and informative, Thank you for reading this penguin rambles!
Cya have a nice weekend!