PinnedJose Abraham GarciaScraping data from a Dapp with Browserless, Metamask and PuppeteerI’ve been using Browserless (both cloud services and docker self hosted) and Puppeteer for a while now to extract data from single page…Feb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022
Jose Abraham GarciaDeploying on Linode Kubernetes using Bitbucket CI/CD Pipeline + Let's EncryptGuide to deploy a Node.js application that uses Redis to Linode Kubernetes Engine using Bitbucket pipelines and install Let's Encrypt CertsFeb 21, 2023Feb 21, 2023
Jose Abraham GarciainEpreztoEngineering a modern insurance brokerA few days ago me and my co-founder Louis Ducruet were exchanging some whatsapp messages making fun about how we are the youngest persons…Sep 20, 2020Sep 20, 2020