is working on ethics standards for Metaverse
By the end of 2021, both public opinion and subject matter experts were voicing complex concerns about artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) developments in extended reality designs: Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook’s name change to Meta and plans to develop Metaverse — the virtual reality universe, which is intended to unite the physical, digital, and imaginary into a new world. Already in its initial phase, the first drafts for the Metaverse showed several relevant points at which the Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Implementation (TAII) Framework [1] will influence its development, use, and the social impact. Technological innovations proceed independently of the harmony with social innovations. Material culture changes much faster than immaterial culture [2]. This raises the question of what effects a Metaverse will have on future societal and social developments. was founded by Josef Baker-Brunnbauer as part of his scientific work at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz in 2019 [3]. The developed TAII Framework for the evaluation and implementation of trustworthy AI systems was presented at international conferences of the European Commission and universities. As a further important step, has now been included in the international Metaverse Standards Forum [4]. “This allows us to actively participate in the development of Metaverse and to strengthen the priorities for the development of fair and ethically implemented AI systems. It is important to question developments for new digital products such as AI systems in a socially critical manner and to correct possible negative effects in good time,” reports Josef Baker-Brunnbauer. The effects on social implications and environmental influences are also evaluated based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Virtual worlds can be designed very realistically using various computer techniques. It is important to understand that the user is only virtually in this room and must continue to adapt to the living conditions in the real world. An escape into new artificial habitats and the creation of new cultures enables people to have unique ways of living and working. At the same time, this also offers immense dangers and challenges in the event of uncontrolled development. Without the support of ethical and critical thinking issues affecting society, well-known problems of already existing computer systems and social media such as injustice, discrimination, indirect disadvantage, mental illness etc. will be significantly amplified [5, 6]. This requires responsible planning and implementation of AI systems. Creating standards and implementing them is an essential step in the development of virtual worlds like the Metaverse. aims to raise awareness of ethical and social challenges for artificial intelligence systems and to analyze the managerial perspective and understanding of ethics for AI products and AI services. Analysis of existing ethical standards and principles for AI systems will generate better understanding and improvement of ethical principles and moral values for the AI era. AI ethics workshops and assessments will make a useful contribution to the generation and implementation of upcoming ethical AI policies and procedures. Work on ethical and moral understanding related to AI systems and implementation is still at an early stage. It is not just a question of defining what is right and what is wrong, but also of developing possible new forms of society and the economy. Companies can take a first step and analyze their own point of view at an AI ethics workshop or TAII Framework Assessment and prepare in good time for upcoming AI regulations (Artificial Intelligence Act) of the European Commission [7].
[1] Baker-Brunnbauer, Josef, TAII Framework for Trustworthy AI Systems (2021). Baker-Brunnbauer, J. (2021). TAII Framework for Trustworthy AI Systems. ROBONOMICS: The Journal of the Automated Economy, 2, 17, Available at SSRN:
[2] Fofiu, Adela, TAII Framework Applied to Metaverse and AI Development A Case for Cyber Ethics (2022). Available at SSRN:
[3] (n.d.). Accessed July 5th, 2022
[4] Metaverse Standards Forum (n.d.). Accessed July 5th, 2022
[5] Wachter, Sandra, How Fair AI Can Make Us Richer (2021). Wachter, S. How Fair AI Can Make Us Richer. European Data Protection Law Review. Volume 7, Issue 3 (2021). pp. 367–372. DOI:, Available at SSRN:
[6] Schønning V, Hjetland GJ, Aarø LE and Skogen JC (2020). Social Media Use and Mental Health and Well-Being Among Adolescents — A Scoping Review. Front. Psychol. 11:1949. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01949
[7] European Commission (n.d.). A European approach to artificial intelligence. Accessed July 5th, 2022
Josef Baker-Brunnbauer has been working in various industries for start-ups and established companies on national and international projects for more than 20 years. With he accompanies companies in projects for the development of digital product innovation, business model development, digital change transformation and offers workshops and assessments for the implementation of trustworthy AI via He is a member of the European Commission’s AI Alliance, author, and developer of the TAII Framework.
Photo by Barbara Zandoval on Unsplash