Full Disclosure: Navy Commander Details His Bizarre UFO Encounter

Josef Barkley
1 min readAug 14, 2018


A retired Navy Commander released his official statement about that one time he had a UFO encounter, witnessing a bizarre craft rising out of the ocean and flying past his plane.

On February 10, 1951, Navy pilot and officer Graham Bethune, along with his crew, was flying in a mission from Iceland to Newfoundland.

While finishing the mission, they experienced something rather inexplicable. This event marked the whole life of the ex-Navy commander and the rest of the crew as well.

Namely, the members of the mission noticed a bizarre light on the ocean’s watery surface around 300 miles from Newfoundland.

These lights were so eminent and scattered throughout a large area hence the men felt like they were flying over a city.

During the Disclosure Project Conference in Washington DC in 2001, ex-commander Bethune explained his weird UFO encounter.

“As we approached this glow it turned to a monstrous circle of white lights on the water. Then we saw a yellow halo, small, much smaller than whatever it was launched from, about fifteen miles away.”

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