Subber Implement Support for Projects on WAX Blockchain

Joe Zich
4 min readDec 28, 2023

The world of the WAX blockchain just got a little bit tamer and a whole lot more collaborative. Subber, a versatile platform for project collaboration, has took a first step at opening its door for projects on WAX ecosystem, bringing its suite of community-building tools to WAX’s blockchain projects looking for engagement and growth.

About Subber

Source: Subber Website

Subber is the biggest Solana Spot for NFT Communities and a platform specifically designed to empower projects with the tools and resources needed to foster thriving communities and achieve sustainable growth.

  • More Than Just a Project Management Tool

While project management functionalities are undeniably crucial, Subber transcends the limitations of conventional platforms. It delves deeper, understanding that a project’s success hinges on its ability to cultivate a loyal and engaged community. What makes Subber a very important is that it emphasizes on community building. It provides a comprehensive suite of features that enable projects to manage collabs, allocate allowlist, run Presales, grow your project, and bring value to holders.

But what exactly does Subber bring to the table for WAX projects? stay with with me as it’s a whole wagon train of benefits:

  • With Subber on board, it’ll help projects attract, engage, and manage dedicated communities. Think custom Discord servers, sleek Telegram channels, and vibrant forums — all seamlessly integrated into a single platform. No more chasing your community across the digital frontier; Subber brings them all under one roof.
  • It’ll also help with launching successful presales. Imagine crafting targeted whitelist campaigns, managing token allocations with laser precision, and keeping your community informed every step of the way. Subber streamlines the entire process, making your presale a smooth, transparent, and wildly successful stampede.
  • Subber’s intelligent whitelisting tools let you set custom criteria, host engaging social tasks, and rewards dedicated community members with coveted presale spots. It’s like panning for gold, but instead of nuggets, you find loyal community members.

These are a few benefits mentioned and it isn’t limited to these. All these and more makes makes Subber the ideal choice for projects on the WAX blockchain.

How to Get on Subber ?

If you’re building a project on the WAX Blockchain, getting on Subber isn’t an herculean task. This article will show you how to get your project on Subber.

Source: Subber Website
  • Connect your wallet. Subber hasn’t yet supported WAX wallets yet, so you’ll have to connect other wallets available as shown in the image below. Worry less, you will still be able to list your project.
Source: Subber Website
  • Click on the “Create Community” section
Source: Subber Website

Fill in your needed project details, go to “Community Blockchain” section and choose WAX, as shown in the image below

Source: Subber Website

Click on “Save and Publish” Button below the details field

After this, you can go ahead to to explore Subber, create social tasks, keep the community updated and all what Subber offers.

About WAX Blockchain

Source: Kyros Digital

The WAX Blockchain is a pioneering, high-throughput (handling thousands of transactions per second), and cost-efficient blockchain tailored explicitly for the creation and trading of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). It holds the distinction of being the leading blockchain for blockchain gaming while encompassing an extensive array of NFT collections, spanning diverse categories like PFPs, art, music, and beyond.

WAX uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which is much more energy-efficient than the proof-of-work mechanism used by many other blockchains. This makes WAX a more sustainable option for gaming and collectibles.

Subber now opens up an avenue for projects on WAX, making them have more reach to people and helping projects to foster a thriving and engaging community.

So, if you’re a WAX project looking to build a thriving community, make excellent collaborations, and turn your project to success, then saddle up and think Subber.

Remember, in the World of blockchain, community is king. And with Subber by your side, you’ll have the tools and insights to build a community that.

Subber Website —

WAX Website —

WAX Discord —

