Essential Tools for Startups (1):

Understand and Guide Your Customers

José Carlos Cortizo


When you are an entrepreneur, you have to do thousands of different tasks while focusing on what’s more important for your startup. So in order to be able to achieve all your goals, you need to rely on external tools for different tasks. While launching BrainSINS (my company) and making it grow, I’ve tested and used a lot of different tools, and I’d like to share the main tools I’m using today, and what any entrepreneur can do with those tools.

The first (and most awesome tool) I’m using for BrainSINS is a recent discovery for me, but I love it so much and it makes my CMO life so much easier that I need to talk about it:

What’s They talk about themselves as:

The next-generation CRM and messaging product

And I think they are right about it. Intercom allows you to track how your users are using your web application, and automate your communications with them, by means of in-app messages or the more traditional e-mails.

So with a pretty simple integration (by means of a JavaScript code), you start tracking how, when, how often and from where your users are using your application, and then helps you to segment your users in order to communicate with them, or even automate communication workflows based on their behavior in your web-app.

As an example, I’ve configured a first in-app message in order to welcome our new users and ask them for feedback. The configuration is pretty simple, you only have to select your recipients by adding a few conditions: users that signed up after I installed, with sessions=1 and their locale is not spanish (I’ve configured one message for our Spanish users and another one for our international users). As simple as:

A simple segmentation to communicate with the new users of your web application

And then write the message you want them to receive. You can also configure rules for contacting your users after several days of signing-up in your web app, etc.

For any marketer, specially for B2B marketers, using a tool like this, simplifies a lot our work, as we can automate the communications with our customers according their behavior, and also receive their feedback.



José Carlos Cortizo

#research #startups #tech #bigdata #ecommerce #gamification #marketing; #CMO at @brainsins_en ; #professor at @canal_uem & @icemd.