Astra, a Reliable Provider of Information and Tourism Services

Kevin jose
4 min readNov 18, 2019

Currently there are many tourism service provider applications, which applications have provided a variety of services both airplane tickets to various countries and certain regions, hotel buses and so forth. Where all these services will be provided at low prices and can be adjusted to the budget owned by the users, so users can plan their dream vacation. In addition, the public can also make payment transactions easily through the application, which payment can be made at financial institutions that have cooperated with the application such as through M-Banking or digital wallet, so that it can make the users can save time and expenses.

To attract the interest of consumers, of course, hotel or inn providers will upload photos of room conditions and what facilities will be obtained by users. However, sometimes to attract the interest of consumers, the hotel or lodging service provider often uploads images that are not in accordance with the original. So that when consumers get to the place of lodging, consumers will automatically feel disappointed and to avoid material losses, then consumers will be forced to use the place of lodging. Where this happens because the relevant parties managing the application cannot review the authenticity of the images uploaded in the application, so that the lodging service provider can freely upload photos without thinking about customer satisfaction.

But now, there are already Blockhain technology platforms such as Astra, which provide complete tourism services, where all images or uploads of service providers or products will be tested for authenticity using sophisticated technology. Where the platform is a platform that provides social media services and will specialize in social media to provide information about various tourist sites that will be visited by users. So that with the existence of social media, it will be easier for users to find accurate information about the tourist destinations to be visited. Not only that, users can also access the required information quickly and easily without unnecessary information.

Not only that, through the platform the users can also generate profitability, which in order to get the profitability the users must become one of the service providers or products such as hotel rentals or lodging places on the Astra platform. Where if the service or product provided is used by a user, then the provider will benefit. Not only that, users will also get prizes from the Astra platform if they interact with content uploaded by other users. In addition, for users who upload certain content related to the trip, or the original photo taken by the camera itself and will get lots of likes, comments and shares from other users, users who upload the photos will also get prizes from the platform Astra.

In addition, the Astra platform will also use sophisticated tools such as Prove of rating or proof of ranking, which is a tool that is researched and developed by the Astra platform to be able to measure the value of all contributions made by users to the Astra platform, which where the tool can measure that value by looking at the interaction of the community with the content they distribute. Where with these tools, the Astra platform can provide fair rewards to users who have contributed to the Astra platform. In addition, the tool can also be used as one of the main factors that makes the Astra network different from other platforms.

As a platform that provides complete tourism services, has fast access and uploads accurate information, the Astra platform will certainly get many consumers. Where this can happen because the Astra platform really can prove that all the images uploaded on the platform have been verified, which can be used as a reference for users who want to travel on their dream tourism.

Learn more about Astra from the link below:

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