The Connection between the Mind and Body

Jose Ruiz
2 min readDec 11, 2019


In recent years, science has started to acknowledge the influential connections through which behavioral, spiritual, and emotional aspects might directly affect health outcomes. As investigations in the field of mind-body medicine is discovering that feelings and thought patterns may contribute to disparities inside the human body & therapies such as visual imagery, hypnosis, yoga & meditation are being used to regenerate balance & encourage health.

The theories we hold about ourselves & the world, our memories, our emotions & our behaviors all can impact our physical & mental wellbeing. The connections amongst what is going on in our heart & mind & what’s occurring in our body, create the psycho-emotional origins of health & sickness. The connection between the mind & the body occurs both at a chemical & physical level. Distinctive mental states may positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. This happens since the immune, nervous & endocrine systems share a mutual biochemical language, which permits continuous interaction between the mind & the body through messengers such as neurotransmitters & hormones. For instance, neurological routes connect parts of the brain that process feelings with the muscles, cardiovascular system spinal cord, digestive tract, muscles & cardiovascular system. It permits key life occurrences, emotions or stressors to initiate physical symptoms. We might have experienced this facet of the mind-body connection when we feel butterflies in our stomach when we feel nervous, or when your heart feels like it’s beating out of our chest when we’re under stress.

Eating healthy also helps with the mind-body connection. The human body needs foods that nourish it. Foods should be equalized in order to deliver the appropriate nourishment. One way to make sure we’re eating a balanced meal is to incorporate the six Ayurvedic tastes-sweet, sour, pungent, salty, bitter & astringent-in each meal. It’s significant to incorporate these additional three tastes, because they’re recognized as being anti-inflammatory & be able to increase metabolism as well. We must not forget that the fresher the food, the better it is for our body, including a mixture of fruits, proteins & vegetables. In conclusion, the mind-body connection is factual. It has a potent influence on our well being at each level. Professionals are finding how it might be used in treating both physical & mental illnesses. We could understand to connect the power of the mind-body connection in our own lives in order to improve our overall health & cheerfulness.



Jose Ruiz

Private Strength & Conditioning Coach. Instagram: Athletix_Performance_Training. Twitter: Jose_8523