The Value of Self Evaluation

Jose Ruiz
2 min readAug 21, 2019


A self-evaluation is an imperative issue in any study. It’s used for an assortment of reasons, which aids a person to reflect on their performance in order to measure their strengths and weaknesses. In the course of our lives, many people, from teachers to employers, evaluate us and occasionally we might feel that we didn’t get a fair evaluation. When an individual evaluates their self, there isn’t an opportunity for any bias and there might be some new qualities of our character that we could be familiar with. In order to improve as an individual, we should conduct a self-evaluation occasionally.

Performing self-evaluations, offers an individual a straightforward opportunity of observing own self, without any claims of partiality or favoritism. It could be able to offer us with some new material about ourselves, and familiarize us with some truths that they might have been ignored or unaware of previously. Nevertheless of the efficiency of using self-evaluation throughout the appraisal process, applying self-evaluation and self-reflection in our daily lives is important to our own development, both individually and professionally. Whether we comprehend it or not, we’re continually reflecting on all that is going on near us. When it comes to purposely setting aside time in order to reflect, an everyday habit is best for dependability and worth.

Self-evaluation provides to the education excursion of pupils of different ages. As a pupil, regardless of our age, the method for success is the totality of both ambition and determination. Once we know our successes, we could self-evaluate, leading to self-judgment, which also leads to self-reaction. This process is of true significance in our own self-evaluation because it will lead to self-confidence, by exhibiting how well we’ve done. By having self-confidence, it will lead to new ambitions and even more effort, which keeps the circle repeating itself. As time passes us by, we’ll have to be committed to doing a self-evaluation whether it’s daily, monthly or yearly in order for us to keep progressing as individuals and be able to give the best version of ourselves to others.



Jose Ruiz

Private Strength & Conditioning Coach. Instagram: Athletix_Performance_Training. Twitter: Jose_8523