Installing Scala and Spark on Ubuntu

Jose Marcial Portilla
2 min readDec 1, 2016


Hi! I’m Jose Portilla and I teach over 225,000 students about programming, data science, and machine learning on Udemy! You can check out all my courses here.

If you’re interested in learning Python for Data Science and Machine learning, check out my course here. (I also teach Full Stack Web Development with Django!)

This is just a quick guide to installing Scala and Spark on Ubuntu.Linux

Step 1: Installing Java

Check to see if Java is already installed by typing:

java -version

If you see something like “The program ‘java’ can be found in the following packages…”

It probably means you actually need to install Java.

The easiest option for installing Java is using the version packaged with Ubuntu. Specifically, this will install OpenJDK 8, the latest and recommended version.

First, update the package index by in your terminal typing:

sudo apt-get update

After entering your password it will update some stuff.

Now you can install the JDK with the following command:

sudo apt-get install default-jdk

Then hit Enter and continue with “y”.

Step 2: Install Scala

sudo apt-get install scala

Type scala into your terminal:


You should see the scala REPL running. Test it with:

println(“Hello World”)

You can then quit the Scala REPL with


Step 3: Install Spark

Next its time to install Spark. We need git for this, so in your terminal type:

sudo apt-get install git

Next, go to and download a pre-built for Hadoop 2.7 version of Spark (preferably Spark 2.0 or later). Then download the .tgz file and remember where you save it on your computer.

Then in your terminal change directory to where you saved that .tgz file (or just move the file to your home folder), then use

tar xvf spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz

(Your version numbers may differ).

Then once its done extracting the Spark folder, use:

cd spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz

then use

cd bin

and then type


and you should see the spark shell pop up

this is where you can load .scala scripts. You can confirm that this is working by typing something like:

println(“Spark shell is running”)

That’s it! You should now have Spark running on your computer.

