When to Repair vs. When to Replace Your TV

AV TV Repair
3 min readJun 7, 2024


So, you’re lounging on the couch, ready for a binge-watching marathon, and suddenly your TV decides to throw a tantrum. Maybe the screen’s flickering like a disco light, or the sound has vanished into the abyss. Now you’re faced with the age-old dilemma: repair or replace? Let’s explore when it’s more cost-effective to repair your TV and when it’s time to say goodbye and invest in a new one.

Repairing Your TV: When It’s Worth It

Minor Issues:

If it’s something small like a loose cable, an intermittent connection, or a software glitch, don’t rush to the store just yet. These issues can often be resolved with a quick fix or call us, your reliable TV technician.

Modern TVs typically only last one to two years, but if we can fix your TV, we can give it an extra four to five years at least.

Affordable Repairs:

For problems like replacing a power supply or fixing minor screen issues, repairs are usually cheaper than buying a new TV. If the repair costs less than half the price of a new set, it’s often worth it.

Sentimental Value:

Maybe this TV has been with you through countless movie nights and epic game wins. If it’s got sentimental value and the repairs aren’t too expensive, give it another chance.

When It’s Time to Replace Your TV

Major Malfunctions:

If your screen is cracked, or there’s significant water damage, it’s often cheaper to get a new TV. Major repairs can be costly and sometimes unreliable.

High Repair Costs:

It may be more cost-effective to upgrade a TV when the cost of repair is more than half that of a new one, but depending on the model and brand, it could sometimes make more sense to fix the TV that you know and love.

Outdated Technology:

If your TV is older and lacks smart features, 4K resolution, or sufficient HDMI ports, it might be time for an upgrade. Newer TVs provide a better viewing experience and improved connectivity.

Frequent Repairs:

Are you calling the repair service more often than your friends? If your TV has been repaired multiple times in a short period, it’s probably time to replace it. Constant issues are a sign that it’s reaching the end of its lifespan.

Cost-Effectiveness Breakdown

Repair Costs:

Simple fixes like a new power supply or replacing a few components might cost between $50 to $200. This is a small price compared to a brand-new TV.

Replacement Costs:

A decent mid-range TV can range from $600 to $900, depending on the brand and features. High-end models can exceed $1,500.

If your repair costs are approaching that $300 mark and your TV isn’t very old, it might make more sense to repair it. However, if you’re looking at a $500 repair bill and your TV’s picture quality is outdated, investing in a new one is the best option.

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your TV

Cracked Screen:

Once the screen is cracked, repairs are often as expensive as a new TV.

Compatibility Issues:

It’s possible that you may have compatibility issues, some older TVs are worth keeping otherwise, it’s not time to replace.

Deciding whether to repair or replace your TV depends on the severity of the issue, the cost of repairs, and how much you love your current TV. Sometimes, holding on to the old faithful makes sense. Other times, embracing a new model with all the bells and whistles is worth the investment. Whatever you decide, make sure it keeps you glued to your screen, enjoying every moment.

Don’t let TV troubles spoil your binge-watching marathon! Whether it’s a minor fix or time for an upgrade, we’ve got your back. Contact us today for a free diagnosis and expert advice on whether to repair or replace your TV. Get back to enjoying your favorite shows in no time.

Call Us: (336) 772–5792

Email: joseph.avtvrepair@gmail.com

Check Out Our Website: avtvrepair.com

Happy watching!

