15 Real Life Relationship Quotes

Joseph Cozzolino
4 min readApr 21, 2019

You’ve undoubtedly heard it before. Focus on relationships for a happy and healthy life. The question is, are you focusing on your relationships or are other things taking priority in your life? Sometimes we get occupied with more “urgent” things that need our attention and so we put our relationships to the side. The thing about relationships is that it’s better to look at them like a plant. They might not be dead or dying but you still have to water it every day. Having said that, here are some of my favourite real life relationship quotes to give you a little inspiration to start putting more attention to the most important things in life.

Relationship With Yourself Quotes

The relationship with yourself is probably the most important relationship you have. How you view the world. How you think the world views you. The beliefs you have about yourself. So, if you have a positive relationship with yourself you will likely feel healthier, be more successful and have great things happen in your life.

Check out this article about how relationships impact our health: Click Here

Relationship With Others Quotes

I know this can be difficult sometimes but having a healthy relationship with other people has a huge impact, not only on our emotions but on our health and success as well. Therefore, Being able to show kindness, compassion and love for other people without needing a reason is one of those traits that very few people possess. A lot of times, we want to make sure there is something in it for us before we become invested in helping another person. Yet, showing love and compassion simply because it’s the right thing to do and without expecting anything in return is when we benefit most from these emotions. Check out some more real life relationship quotes below to inspire you to start living with more kindness!

Skills For Healthy Romantic Relationships

How To Trust The Universe

Would you say you trust the universe? That’s kind of a loaded question I know. I thought I did at one point until I found out what trusting the universe actually meant. I realized from a very special mentor of mine that trusting the universe means having a healthy relationship with it. To have a healthy relationship with something you have to believe that it has your best interest and you have to give up trying to control the future. So, giving up this need to control what you want the universe to give you is the only way to actually have a healthy relationship with it. Because now you’re showing that you trust that it’s going to give you what’s best for you.

And Finally:

Looking for something else to read? Check out this blog post about how relationships impact our thinking: Click Here

Want to get a short crash course on how to completely shift your thinking and experience more love, joy and peace in all your relationships. Click Here to check out our new course ‘Living My Best Life’.

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Originally published at https://cozzolinojoseph.com on April 21, 2019.

