Installing Node.JS

Joseph Ewert
3 min readOct 3, 2023


Node.Js. Javascript. My old arch-nemesis. I first dabbled here back in highschool days, and it was hard. Mostly keeping focused on it. Things I regret are definately not being more patient with myself then. But! Now I shall dive in! We are going to start with Node.Js.

Currently the link to download this software is (but don’t be afraid to google).

Generally, you will want to stick with the latest LTS (long term support) version, unless you are looking for a specific feature in testing.

Now, something that CAN come up, is looking for an older version. More often than not you will find yourself working on a particular version of Node, and if you want to do any testing, you need that older version. You can find them here:

Run the download, and you’ll get this window.

I’m not going to go through every step here, but I will stop where you should do a little more than click next.

Of course we accept the terms.

The defaults prior to this are fine, but I find myself wanting some of the extra packages for VS Studio.

Thats.. It?

Ok. Thats almost it. Because we opted for the extra tools, we have3 this prompt after. When you press a key to continue…

You get another one. Continue forward!

This next part takes a while, so you should go watch a video or read a book while you wait. Once its done, the blue powershell window will vanish.

Don’t worry. You wont get to see my primary PC file structure.

Once its done, open command prompt, and run node — version. Your output will look like mine if it worked.

And done! This was the easy part.



Joseph Ewert

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