Every pound counts when it comes to getting to SpaceYou are sitting outdoors on a summer night, looking up at the sky. There are no clouds around, so you can stare clearly at the stars. Your…May 18, 2020May 18, 2020
Published inQuantum1Net3 common misconceptions about quantum computingQuantum computing is on its way at a staggering pace! IBM, Google and Microsoft, among others, are all investing huge amounts of resources…Apr 24, 20181Apr 24, 20181
Published inQuantum1Net3 common misconceptions about quantum mechanicsAny scientific breakthrough or paradigm revolution is followed by at least two things, progress and confusion. Progress, as the momentum of…Apr 17, 20182Apr 17, 20182
Published inQuantum1NetEavesdroppers: A Constant ThreatNote: the quantum no-cloning theorem, briefly mentioned in this article, deserves a much longer discussion. This will be deferred to a…Feb 2, 2018Feb 2, 2018
Published inQuantum1NetQuantum Computing: The state of the artQuantum computing was first envisioned in the late 70s and early 80s as a means for efficiently simulating complicated physical systems…Jan 18, 20181Jan 18, 20181
Published inQuantum1NetEinstein and entanglementAlbert Einstein is often quoted as saying “it is harder to crack prejudice than an atom”[1]. This is a very important idea to remember…Jan 11, 20181Jan 11, 20181
Published inQuantum1NetRichard Feynman and the birth of quantum computingIf there was one man who managed to excel at physics, to have incredible intuition along with great mathematical skill, and on top of all…Jan 4, 2018Jan 4, 2018