What’s Next For Masonite 1.6

Joe Mancuso
2 min readApr 17, 2018

Recently, Masonite 1.5 was release with the help of @mapeveri who is really passionate about seeing the framework be successful! If you haven’t already visited the framework then be sure to check it out!

What will be in 1.6

Masonite 1.5 was a really big release and came with a lot of new features and changes

We worked hard to bring you this release and I think everyone will really enjoy it but for Masonite 1.6, we are going to slow the roll for new releases and focus primarily on polishing the features already implemented. We have been building software with Masonite and have noticed things that work perfectly but could be changed around a bit to improve developer happiness.

Although there may be some new features with Masonite 1.6 and possibly a new official package called Masonite Billing, our primary goal with the current core developers (and any new contributors that would like to come along) is to focus on small improvements to the overall API in order to improve the happiness of the developers using it.

Some of the polishing changes will include:

And any other small issues that come to the minds of Masonite’s developers throughout the days.

Checkout the entire Milestone here

Release Cycle

Masonite 1.6 will be the last 1.x release. Masonite 1.6 will release in mid May and Masonite 2.0 will be released in mid June. All of the Masonite 1.x releases have been monthly but Masonite 2.0 will start the 6 month release cycle. In other words, Masonite 2.0 will release in June 2018 and Masonite 2.1 will release in December 2018.

