Is Solar Worth It in Kansas? (2024 Guide)

Josep Hramos
10 min readJan 18, 2024

Have you ever gazed out across the sun-kissed fields of Kansas and wondered if the Sunflower State is harnessing its namesake’s power to the fullest? You might be onto something! In fact, the rate of solar adoption in Kansas has been blossoming, with a substantial leap in residential and commercial solar panel installations in recent years. It’s not just about following the trend, though. In the heart of America, where the sun graciously beams down for most of the year, solar power isn’t just a possibility — it’s a golden opportunity begging to be seized. Yet, you might ask, “Is going solar in Kansas truly worth my investment in 2024?” Stick with us, and we’ll slice through the complexities, laying out the sunny prospects and the possible shadows. We’re zooming in on what makes Kansas a special spot on the solar map, with incentives, savings, and the straight scoop on harnessing that abundant Kansas sunshine. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and dig into the nitty-gritty, helping you decide whether it’s time to let your home soak up that golden glow!

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The Solar Landscape in Kansas

Diving straight into the sun-soaked plains of Kansas, you might be pleasantly surprised at the burgeoning solar landscape unfolding in the Sunflower State. Despite its reputation for amber waves of grain, Kansas is steadily harvesting the power of the sun, with a delightful uptick in the number of homes and businesses opting for solar installations. Picture this — as of the last count, Kansas boasts of powering up over 5,000 homes with solar energy, and the growth rate? Well, it’s nothing short of impressive, clocking in at an annual increase that’s got industry folks chatting.

Now, let’s share a little story to bring these stats to life. Imagine a Kansas farmer, John, whose sprawling wheat fields are now neighbored by a gleaming set of solar panels. A couple of years back, John took the plunge into solar, and it’s turned out to be one of his sunniest decisions. With incentives like the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and the promise of lower electric bills, he’s watched his operations costs drop, much like watching a beautiful Kansas sunset.

And it’s not just John. Businesses, particularly in the agricultural sector, are soaking up the solar rays, finding their footing in energy independence, and reaping the economic rewards. Yes, challenges like upfront costs and navigating regulations are part of the journey, but they’re becoming mere speedbumps thanks to increasing accessibility to financing options and a helping hand from local experts.

So, whether you’re in Wichita or out in the open prairies, the solar shift in Kansas is a compelling tale of growth, sustainability, and savvy investments. It paints a picture of a future where energy is as homegrown as the state’s hearty wheat. With everyone from farmers to urbanites plugging into the solar movement, it’s clear — Kansas is shining bright, and trust me, it’s just the beginning.

Benefits of Solar Power in Kansas

Embrace the sun-kissed landscape of Kansas where the generous skies bestow ample sunshine, making it a goldmine for solar energy enthusiasts like yourself. Going solar in the Sunflower State isn’t just a smart choice; it’s a bright investment in a sustainable future that’s as golden as the fields of wheat under a Kansas summer sky. Picture this: the sun rises and with it, your savings begin to soar. Solar panels silently harnessing the power of the daylight, slashing your electricity bills and securing your energy freedom. It’s not just about keeping more dollars in your pocket — though, let’s be honest, that’s a fantastic perk — it’s also about treading lightly on this beautiful place we call home.

Kansas offers more than 200 sunny days per year, positioning it among the top states to reap the rich rewards of solar installation. Imagine reducing your carbon footprint with each sunrise, contributing to a greener planet by simply choosing solar panels. It’s an elegant solution that speaks directly to your environmental conscience and to your wallet. With potential tax incentives and rebates nudging you along, the journey to solar in Kansas feels almost like the state itself is cheering on your eco-friendly pivot.

By tapping into solar power, you’re joining a community committed to clean energy, protecting the prairies and the air we breathe. You become a steward of the land, a champion for sustainability, and a savvy consumer all at once. Let’s harness that Kansas sunshine together and ignite a brighter, greener future where both your spirits and your energy efficiency soar sky-high.

Challenges and Considerations

Absolutely, installing solar panels is a smart move for Kansas homeowners, but I get it, you might be mulling over a few challenges, like “Do I have enough room?” or “Yikes, that initial investment seems steep!” So let’s tackle these head-on, shall we?

First, space is gold when it comes to harvesting that Kansas sun. Most residential roofs have got enough real estate to fit the bill, but if your roof is feeling a bit cramped or isn’t quite structurally sound, don’t sweat it! Ground-mounted systems are a great alternative, and they can even be adjusted to catch the most rays throughout the day. Plus, Kansas gales? Your panels are designed to stand up to those — built tough with rigorous standards in mind.

Now, when it comes to cost, we need to chat about incentives and rebates that make going solar in Kansas kinder on the wallet. You’ve got the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which gives you a significant tax cut on your system. Take this combined with local incentives, and the pinch on your initial investment isn’t so pinchy after all. Also consider solar loans and leasing options that lighten the load by spreading it over time.

Remember, while the upfront costs might seem daunting, in the long run, you’re looking at some serious savings on your electric bill, not to mention doing a solid for Planet Earth. It’s a win-win! Don’t let those initial hurdles scare you; you’ve got this, and the sun’s got your back (literally)!

Financial Aspects

Embarking on the solar journey in Kansas can be both an eco-conscious and economically sound decision. Let’s dive into what your wallet can expect when you opt to harness the sun’s power. The upfront cost of solar panel installation in Kansas typically ranges between $15,000 and $25,000, depending on the size of your system and the type of panels you choose. But here’s where it gets exciting: a wealth of incentives can significantly lighten this financial load.

First up, the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is a game changer, allowing you to claim 30% of your installation costs on your federal taxes. That’s a considerable chunk of change staying right in your pocket. Additionally, the Sunflower State offers property tax exemptions, meaning any increase in home value from your shiny new solar panels won’t nudge your property taxes northward.

Now, about those real-life savings — consider the Smith family from Wichita. After installing a 5kW system priced at $20,000, they snagged the ITC, trimming $6,000 off their tax bill. With no additional property taxes and reduced monthly energy bills, they expect the system to pay for itself in less than 10 years. Plus, with net metering in Kansas, they can even earn credits on their bill for excess energy they pump back into the grid. It’s like having your very own mini power station!

Kansas may not have as many local incentives as some other states, but the existing ones still make a persuasive case for going solar. In the end, the sun is always shining on savings for Kansans who decide to go solar — it’s just a matter of tapping into those rays. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and calculate just how bright those solar prospects can be for you.

Making the Decision: Is Solar Right for You?

Deciding if solar is the perfect match for your energy needs can feel like a big step, so let me walk you through some of the key points to consider. First off, take a good look at your roof. Does it have enough unshaded space to accommodate solar panels? Southern-facing roofs in the Northern Hemisphere catch the most rays, but east or west-facing can work too with only a slight drop-off in efficiency. Now, consider your energy habits. If your monthly bill shouts that you’re a power user, solar could be your ticket to significant savings. But even if you’re not, locking in lower energy rates against future hikes can still sweeten the pot in the long run.

Next up, let’s talk money. It’s crucial to assess your financial health when eyeing solar. Have you got the upfront capital, or are you considering a financing option? Good news is, many states roll out attractive incentives, rebates, and tax breaks that can make solar a no-brainer for your wallet. And the increase in home value? Just icing on the eco-friendly cake.

While it’s true that the initial cost can look a bit daunting, spread that out over the lifespan of your system, and the figures start to look much friendlier. In many cases, those panels pay for themselves and then some, especially as you watch energy bills plummet. So, weigh those long-term benefits against the upfront costs. Remember, you’re not just buying hardware — you’re investing in a greener, cost-effective future. Take your time, do your homework, and if it all adds up, welcome to the sunny side of energy independence!

Solar Panels: Quality and Efficiency

When you’re dipping your toes into the world of solar energy, especially here in Kansas, knowing the difference between solar panel types and their efficiency is crucial. Let’s break it down. You’ve got mainly three types of solar panels at your fingertips — monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. Each has its unique traits and efficiencies.

Monocrystalline panels, with their sleek, dark look and high-efficiency rates (ranging from about 15% to 20%), are top-notch. They’re like the thoroughbreds of the solar world; crafted from pure silicon, they perform exceptionally well in the varied Kansas climate — from those scorching summer rays to the less intense winter light.

Polycrystalline panels are the more budget-friendly cousin, sporting a bluish hue and a slightly lower efficiency rate of 13% to 16%. Don’t let that fool you, though; they’re reliable and will work steadfastly on your Kansas roof, soaking up the sun’s gift.

Thin-film panels are the wild card — flexible, lightweight, and with an efficiency range that’s a bit of a mixed bag, from as low as 10% to about 18%. They can be a great fit for certain situations, like if your roof isn’t standard or you’ve got a lot of space, and our Kansas winds don’t bother them much.

In terms of longevity, you’re looking at a good 25 to 30 years of solar friendship. Kansas weather can throw some curveballs, but these panels can take it, requiring minimal upkeep. Just an occasional check-up and cleaning to clear away any leaves or debris will keep your panels soaking up those rays at peak performance. Remember, efficiency is key in getting the most bang for your buck with solar. So, pick the type that aligns with what your home needs, and you’ll be basking in the benefits of solar power for years to come.


If you call the Sunflower State home, you’re in a prime spot to soak up solar benefits. Kansas, with its wide-open spaces and ample sunshine, is actually a hidden gem for solar energy. You might wonder, “Is solar worth it in Kansas?” Absolutely! With policies like net metering and property tax exemptions, Kansas encourages residents to harness the sun. Not to mention electricity rates are steadily climbing, so your solar panels could start paying off your investment faster than you think. Plus, imagine the satisfaction of contributing to a greener planet and energy independence. For a savvy homeowner like you looking at long-term perks, tipping the scales toward solar in Kansas is a bright idea.

Eager to see how solar can specifically light up your life, Kansas-style? Get in touch with us for a no-strings-attached conversation. We’ll dig into the nitty-gritty, tailoring a solar solution to match your unique needs. It’s your time to shine — let’s make it happen together!

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List of References

  1. «How Efficient Is the Thin-film Technology Used in Solar Cells?». Site: «Solar Power System»
  2. «A Complete Guide To Solar-powered Air Conditioners». Site: «Solar Power System»
  3. «Buyer’s Guide to Solar Panels for Security Cameras: What Are They and Can I Do It Myself?». Site: «Solar Power System»



Josep Hramos

As an article writer, I strive to craft impactful content that informs, inspires, and engages readers. Writing is my passion and purpose.