Solar Cheat Sheet: Your Guide to Getting Solar Panels in New Orleans, Louisiana

Josep Hramos
8 min readFeb 12, 2024


Embrace the Bayou Renaissance with splashes of sustainable sunshine transforming New Orleans, Louisiana into a beacon of solar liberation! As residents of The Big Easy are catching onto the electrifying current of solar energy, a potent mix of sizzling cost savings, eco-enthusiastic revelations, and a thirst for energy autonomy ripple through the birthplace of jazz. No longer entrapped by traditional energy’s crescendo of costs, New Orleanians are now harnessing the sun’s jazz in a spectacular parade of photovoltaic panels. The city’s humid subtropical climate, generous with sun-drenched days, partners with state-specific incentives and net metering policies to compose a symphony of savings and sustainability. Solar adoption is more than a trend in New Orleans — it’s an evolving culture, steeped in resiliency, efficiency, and a proactive stance against rising seas and escalating energy bills. Get ready to indulge in the Solar Cheat Sheet, your grooving guide to getting solar panels in New Orleans, as we illuminate the pathways to power your Crescent City home with the clean, green energy of tomorrow, today!

Get Solar Quote in New Orleans

Venturing into the realm of renewable energy in New Orleans, a city laced with both sun-drenched days and rigorous storm patterns, underscores the necessity for a tailored solar quote. Solar potentials and pitfalls here are as idiosyncratic as the famed Mardi Gras parades, demanding a hyper-local approach. Each rooftop in The Big Easy tells its own tale of solar viability — a complex narrative of shading, orientation, and historic district regulations. That’s where the personalized solar quote enters, a prism separating generalities into actionable insights, carefully considering Louisiana’s net metering policies and the state’s Solar Tax Credit, which can cover up to 50% of solar system costs, to maximize financial benefit.

Navigating through intricate solar landscapes, residents can obtain quotes by engaging with local solar installers vetted by Solar Power Systems. With a pulse on the most current legislative shifts and weather response strategies, our rigorous analysis breaks down the performance reputations and warranty offerings of each contender. By reviewing installers based on customer feedback, installation efficiency, and after-sales service, our research converges on the premise that no two installations are alike, crafting a mosaic of solar adoption that is as vibrant and dynamic as New Orleans itself. As every quote unveils a unique set of energy solutions, tailored to withstand the capricious climate while embracing the sun’s elixir, Solar Power Systems remains the beacon guiding residents to conscientious and cost-effective solar decisions.

Assessing Your Solar Potential

Photo by Andreas Gücklhorn on Unsplash

Harnessing the vibrant rays of New Orleans, Louisiana, to power your home or business through solar energy transcends mere eco-consciousness; it’s an investment that’s quintessentially enlightened by the Pelican State’s generous tax incentives and net metering policies. To meticulously evaluate your solar potential, start by scrutinizing your roof’s spatial generosity — an expansive, unobstructed area is a cornucopia for solar panels. Orientation plays a pivotal role; roofs with a southward tilt capture the sun’s trajectory with utmost efficiency. However, don’t let shading from resplendent live oaks or ornate balconies cast a pall over your solar aspirations. Dynamically wield cutting-edge online tools like the Solar Estimator or the DSIRE database, tailored specifically for New Orleans’ latitudinal predisposition, to decode the intricacies of sunlight exposure and panel positioning. Moreover, local solar gurus, swathed in expertise, can perform more granular assessments with a blend of on-site audits and advanced mapping software, ensuring your plunge into solar is not just a leap but a calculated stride towards energy autonomy.

Benefits of Going Solar in New Orleans

Basking under the robust rays of the New Orleans sun, homeowners in The Big Easy can harness a veritable goldmine of solar energy, with the city averaging a resplendent 212 sunny days per year. Louisiana’s net metering policies elevate the lure, allowing solar-equipped homes to feed excess electricity back into the grid, spinning meters backwards, and slicing dollars off utility bills. The thrill of investment gets magnified by Louisiana’s state tax credit, augmenting the federal solar tax credit, propelling affordability to irresistibly alluring peaks. Furthermore, local utility programs like Entergy New Orleans’ Solar for All New Orleans, dazzle with incentives for adopting solar, democratizing the solar journey. As electricity prices balloon, New Orleans residents cling to solar panels as shields against escalating costs, while also polishing their green credentials, slashing greenhouse gas emissions in a city that sings the blues of vulnerability to climate change’s tempestuous symphonies. Thus, the confluence of generous sun, enticing incentives, and the urgent plea from deltaic lands makes solar panels not merely economic marvels but pivotal characters in New Orleans’ narrative of resilience and sustainability.

Financial Incentives and Rebates

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Navigating the mosaic of financial incentives for solar energy in the vibrant heart of Louisiana, New Orleans residents can bask in the glow of generous tax credits and rebates, painting a financially sunny outlook for those switching to solar. At the forefront is the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which offers a dazzling 26% deduction on solar installations, an incentive that’s as warm as the New Orleans sun itself. Truly, it’s like Mardi Gras for your wallet, with dollar bills instead of beads. But these federal savings are just the beginning; Louisiana steps up with state-specific solar perks that can make the transition to photovoltaic systems as enticing as the city’s famous beignets. However, to calculate the ROI, residents should consider not only the initial investment and the descending scale of the ITC but also the fluctuating energy prices, the solar system’s projected energy output, and New Orleans’ own sun-drenched climate, which ensures solar panels often work at peak performance. Utilities like Entergy New Orleans may also provide net metering, making the pact with solar power even sweeter. This financial calculus can turn into a potent mix of long-term savings and sustainability — a true manifestation of Crescent City’s forward-thinking spirit and nurturing environment for solar energy adoption.

Local Regulations and Requirements

Searching through the mozaic of solar regulations in New Orleans, Louisiana, presents a vibrant tableau of localized ordinances and building codes intricately designed to harness the sun’s bounteous energy. In this crescent city, where sultry summers demand high decibel energy consumption, the local government has streamlined the solar permit process, ensuring residents can glide through bureaucratic tape with the grace of a Mardi Gras parade. Photovoltaic aficionados must align their solar aspirations with the city’s Historical District Landmarks Commission and the Safety and Permits Department to meet the aesthetic harmony and structural integrity New Orleans is known for. Swiveling our lenses to the utility interconnection policies, the drama unfolds as homeowners tap into net metering programs, orchestrating a give-and-take symphony between solar-generated electricity and the grid. Entergy New Orleans, the principal electric utility, plays the conductor’s role, wielding regulations that mandate a standardized interconnection agreement, ensuring a seamless integration of residential solar systems while preventing any backflow electrical performances that could upstage the broader network’s stability. These localized edicts are as much about celebrating solar technology’s crescendo as protecting the heritage-rich rooftops from a cacophony of unsuitable installations.

Choosing the Right Solar Panels and Installer

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Navigating the latticework of solar technology in the quest for renewable energy solutions in New Orleans, Louisiana, requires a keen understanding of two pivotal aspects: the solar equipment appropriate for the city’s sultry subtropical climate and the selection of a certified solar installer, well-versed in both local regulations and the nuances of installation in hurricane-prone areas. Choosing solar panels for this region should pivot on high-temperature performance and durability; panels with excellent PTC ratings (PVUSA Test Conditions) ensure less energy loss in elevated temperatures. Opting for installers who carry NABCEP (North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners) certification can emblazon the route to excellence. Probing installers about their experience with securing solar rebates and knowledge of municipal net metering policies can illuminate the path forward. Further, inquiries about warranties and evidence of past installations that have endured the wrath of Gulf Coast storms should be non-negotiable, ensuring that the gleaming promise of solar energy endures through the crescendos of Louisiana’s tempestuous weather.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Amidst the sultry climes of New Orleans, Louisiana, where the sun’s lavish kiss is as abundant as the city’s vibrant jazz, maintaining and monitoring solar panels becomes an imperative ode to efficiency. In this solar-saturated haven, panel owners should embrace semi-annual cleanings to dispel any remnants of Mardi Gras celebrations or the occasional incursions by the notorious Gulf Coast hurricanes. As ferocious winds and tumultuous rains are quelled, these photovoltaic wonders can relish in unobstructed sunlight, transforming each golden ray into clean, renewable energy. The key here is diligence; keeping an eagle eye on energy production through savvy, real-time monitoring systems ensures that not even a rogue pelican’s shadow goes unnoticed.

Moreover, the solar enthusiasts of The Big Easy are cradled in a lattice of warranties and services as intricate and reassuring as the local wrought ironwork. Louisiana’s state laws furnish a sumptuous platter of Solar Energy System Tax Credits, while local installers in New Orleans proffer warranties that promise decades of protection–typically spanning 20–25 years for panels and a substantial 10-year coverage for inverters. Through such robust warranties and a cavalcade of supportive local services, solar panel systems are gallantly guarded, poised to tackle any tempestuous weather patterns while ensuring a harmonious matrimony of peak performance, long-term reliability, and uttermost financial savings.


Embarking on the solar adventure in New Orleans, Louisiana, unleashes a whirlwind of eco-conscious advancement and financial savvy you never knew possible! Poised at the precipice of renewable splendor, this Solar Cheat Sheet is your indispensable co-pilot through the luscious climate and sun-drenched days that make New Orleans an oasis for solar potential. Harness the power of Louisiana’s Solar Energy System Tax Credit, a boon for your budget, slashing costs and sweetening the solar proposition. Dive into the process by scouting top-notch local installers and sailing through site assessments, ensuring your abode is primed for maximum solar capture. Bask in the glory of lower utility bills and puff your chest with pride powered by the sun, knowing that each kilowatt you generate is a kiss goodbye to carbon footprints and a curtsy to Mother Earth. Don’t hover on the horizon of hesitation; let this be your solar clarion call to contribute to a greener Crescent City and a plusher planet. The sun is calling, New Orleans — it’s time to answer with your very own constellation of rooftop panels.

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Josep Hramos

As an article writer, I strive to craft impactful content that informs, inspires, and engages readers. Writing is my passion and purpose.